Grind in the Hospital on Thanksgiving


on indefiniate mod break
Hi everyone.

Remember this thread?

[ame=""]blah - Just Plain Politics![/ame]

Well, turns out, I have been bleeding internally. Part of my small intestine has ruptured. I am currently on morphine and in and out of consciousness. Happy thanksgiving!
Hang in there and get better Grind.
Been drinking too much or something ?

I hear the thanksgiving jello is wonderful in the hospital, with a second course of chicken broth.

Do you think that somewhere there is a Mormon girl gleefully sticking pins in a doll?
Good thing you are young and healthy.

Hope your recovery goes smoothly and you are all better in no time.

That being said Chaver you just crack my ass up.
Things to be thankful for. You know what is wrong and you aren't going to die from it.

Your family will save some food for you and turkey is always better as leftovers.
Wow Grind get better soon man, and pretend the morphine is doing more to you than it is and hit on some of the hot nurses.
the worst thing is the boredom. At least I have my laptop now. The funny thing is at home I would probably be on my computer 3-4 hours a day. But now that I'm stuck in this hospital it gets old fast. lol.