Grind may have it better than me


List of former Baptists who've seen the light:

H.P. Lovecraft, fantasy-horror writer who rejected the practice as a teenager, and became an atheist.

Gene Roddenberry - Television producer and creator of Star Trek. Raised Southern Baptist, denounced his former faith and became a secular humanist.

Britney Spears, pop singer who converted to the Kabbalism sect of Judaism and then renounced her belief in organized religion.

List of former Catholics who've seen the light:

Steve Allen, actor, TV show host, writer, pundit (Humanism)
Christopher Buckley, political satirist[6]
George Carlin, American comedian (staunch atheist)
Jimmy Carr, British comedian
Pat Condell, atheist comedian
Marie Curie, Nobel laureate in chemistry and physics[7]
Amanda Donohoe, British actress
Theodore Dreiser, American writer (Socialism and possibly Christian Science)
Brian Eno, British musician and record producer
Siobhan Fahey, British musician, now interested in spiritualism
Janeane Garofalo, American comedienne (Freethought advocate).
Amber Heard, American actress
Joe Higgins, Socialist Party Member of the European Parliament for Dublin, Ireland.
Seth MacFarlane, writer, creator, producer for Family Guy, American Dad, etc.; grew up Catholic but as an adult began to embrace atheism.[8]
Zoran Milanović, Croatian politician and a leader of Social Democratic Party of Croatia (SDP)
Joyce Carol Oates, author, critic (atheist)
Chris Rush, American comedian who considers himself spiritual rather than religious.[9]
Dan Savage (1964—) author and sex-advice columnist[10] Despite his atheism, Savage considers himself Catholic "in a cultural sense."[11]
Omar Sharif, actor and bridge player; an Egyptian Melkite Catholic who converted to Islam, but is now an atheist[12]
Julia Sweeney, atheist comedian on the advisory board of the Secular Coalition for America
Laurie Taylor (sociologist)
Jerome Tuccille, author of Heretic: Confessions of an Ex-Catholic Rebel[13
a lot of catholics in the northeast are catholic for cultural reasons but don't really believe in any of the bullshit. that's probably why you have higher dropout rates with catholics, because they don't take it very seriously to begin with. At least in the northeast
This post is actually the highest ranked thing on google when you search for "notable ex-baptist atheists":

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