Grind... What happened...


Staff member
With your perforated bowel issue?

We hear you are getting surgery, but nothing about what caused it, how painful it was, etc.

All I know is you suddenly got into bondage because you tell us the "sun bothered you"...

What's up?
Welp I have already had surgery, about a month ago right before christmas.

Originally I had a lot of pain in my stomach around thanksgiving, I went in and they told me my intestine had a hole in it. So I had to stay at the hospital and not eat food and get all these antibiotics. At the time they wanted to do the surgery but it appeared I was getting a lot better. This hospital is used to seeing lots of old people so my progress was out of the ordinary.

I was released, went home, went back to class, but then two weeks later on a friday night I was minding my own business, planning on going to a pokerroom. At first it was mild pain and I thought I would shake it off, but within 30 minutes I was in extremy agony, more so than the first time that brought me to the hospital. I took oxy, and called the doctor, he said give it an hour to see if the pain subsided, but it only got worse and worse.

The feeling of the pain is like being hit in the stomach with a baseball bat repeatedly, then stabbed at the same time. It was a very very sharp burning pain and all the muscles are tensed up. It was very hard for me to walk without being in extreme agony. I haven't had anything more painful in my life up till this point. (Granted I haven't been in many situations of extreme pain).

I remember walking into the emergency room, and I had completely broken a sweet walking 15 feet cause it was so painful, I got to the window and I was like..."need... assistance."

At first they thought I was being overdramatic, but soon they realized I wasn't playing games. My arms and legs were going completely numb too. Apparently I had been hyperventalating without knowing it.

So I go back to the hospital the second time, and my intestine was completely inflamed, it was torn, mangled, inflated, diseased, just totally messed up. This time I was going to have to have surgery no two ways about it.

I first had to stay a week in the hospital helping to bring down the infection and inflamation as much as possible, and then on like the 18th of december, was when I had surgery.

It was another week of recovery, I got home just in time for christmas.

Also fun fact, when I was awaked from surgery that had me on morphine, and I was used to delauded (which is way stronger than morphine). Though they give it by appropriate ratios, sometimes one works better on different people. For me morphine didn't do shit, so I was not having a good time after being sliced open.

After the surgery it was almost near impossible for me to walk or even move without being in pain. (you'd be surprised at how often we move our stomach muscles).

I was basically in my hosptial bed for a few days straight. During this time I still wasn't allowed to eat food etc...

After coming home I had more weeks of recovery and truth be told I have only gotten back to full health very recently.

As to the causes, basically I had a bad diet. Food got stuck in my intestines and my intestines became infected. Not very fun.

I just got done with some microwaved hotdogs on stale week-old cheap buns and am now washing it down with half a thing of saltine crackers.

Surely your diet can't be worse than mine.
it wasn't so much what I ate it's more about what I didn't eat, namely vegetables and fruits.

The things Grind named help scrape the stuff off the walls of your intestines. When your mom told you to "Eat your veggies" she was giving you good advice.

Grind, I hope you stay healthy this time around.
Welp I have already had surgery, about a month ago right before christmas.

Originally I had a lot of pain in my stomach around thanksgiving, I went in and they told me my intestine had a hole in it. So I had to stay at the hospital and not eat food and get all these antibiotics. At the time they wanted to do the surgery but it appeared I was getting a lot better. This hospital is used to seeing lots of old people so my progress was out of the ordinary.

I was released, went home, went back to class, but then two weeks later on a friday night I was minding my own business, planning on going to a pokerroom. At first it was mild pain and I thought I would shake it off, but within 30 minutes I was in extremy agony, more so than the first time that brought me to the hospital. I took oxy, and called the doctor, he said give it an hour to see if the pain subsided, but it only got worse and worse.

The feeling of the pain is like being hit in the stomach with a baseball bat repeatedly, then stabbed at the same time. It was a very very sharp burning pain and all the muscles are tensed up. It was very hard for me to walk without being in extreme agony. I haven't had anything more painful in my life up till this point. (Granted I haven't been in many situations of extreme pain).

I remember walking into the emergency room, and I had completely broken a sweet walking 15 feet cause it was so painful, I got to the window and I was like..."need... assistance."

At first they thought I was being overdramatic, but soon they realized I wasn't playing games. My arms and legs were going completely numb too. Apparently I had been hyperventalating without knowing it.

So I go back to the hospital the second time, and my intestine was completely inflamed, it was torn, mangled, inflated, diseased, just totally messed up. This time I was going to have to have surgery no two ways about it.

I first had to stay a week in the hospital helping to bring down the infection and inflamation as much as possible, and then on like the 18th of december, was when I had surgery.

It was another week of recovery, I got home just in time for christmas.

Also fun fact, when I was awaked from surgery that had me on morphine, and I was used to delauded (which is way stronger than morphine). Though they give it by appropriate ratios, sometimes one works better on different people. For me morphine didn't do shit, so I was not having a good time after being sliced open.

After the surgery it was almost near impossible for me to walk or even move without being in pain. (you'd be surprised at how often we move our stomach muscles).

I was basically in my hosptial bed for a few days straight. During this time I still wasn't allowed to eat food etc...

After coming home I had more weeks of recovery and truth be told I have only gotten back to full health very recently.

As to the causes, basically I had a bad diet. Food got stuck in my intestines and my intestines became infected. Not very fun.


Jesus Christ, I can't believe that doctor told you to wait. Thank god you didn't end up dead. I know everyone is always giving out medical advice when they know shit, and I will admit I know shit about most of it, but one thing I know is never wait when you have that kind of pain in your stomach, or anything close to it. God, I have seen a couple of horror stories over the years with that. I once had pancreatitis. I knew something was terribly wrong just like you knew. Always follow your first instinct with that. Doctors are sometimes wrong. But I guess you learned that too.
Where does the sunlight thing figure in? Because of some meds?

there is a picture of me circulating around wearing a sleeping mask. I got that for the hopsital cause they had me in a room facing the sun and every morning at 630 am I was blasted with light.
there is a picture of me circulating around wearing a sleeping mask. I got that for the hopsital cause they had me in a room facing the sun and every morning at 630 am I was blasted with light.
That's the "Official" story, what really happened is the Mormon girl was a bit kinked...
