
You're a poor representation of our Gen.

Like the Simpsons a lot, absolutely love Family Guy. Hate Fururama, mildly interested in Southpark, but not a fan and have only seen like 7-8 episodes...

Oh, yeah, and Robot Chicken is pretty funny. I love the Star Wars specials. Never watched Beavis & Butthead back in the day...
The Simpsons isn't funny anymore, and FG is ok, but all their jokes are interchangeable. SP, however, is amazing.
The Simpsons isn't funny anymore, and FG is ok, but all their jokes are interchangeable. SP, however, is amazing.

Yes, The Simpsons has fallen considerably, but I think its partly because I'm used to Family Guy humor, which is considerably more funny. Seriously, you question me, and then call the greatest comedy show "ok?" That is supreme blasphemy of the highest order. SP is okay.
Family Guy isn't as funny as you think. It's mostly funny because 90% of the jokes relate to your nostalgia of youth, since that's what they reference. Still funny, but no where NEAR the level of hilarity South Park has achieved. But then again you don't find offensive things funny.
Family Guy isn't as funny as you think. It's mostly funny because 90% of the jokes relate to your nostalgia of youth, since that's what they reference. Still funny, but no where NEAR the level of hilarity South Park has achieved. But then again you don't find offensive things funny.

I will laugh at some offensive things if they are clever, and SP can be fairly clever. But, yeah, I find that a lot of Peter Griffin's jokes about women and minorities don't make me laugh, nor does Brian almost ever make me laugh, although he helps other characters be funny.