Grinds Official Threadban Reasoning Thread

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on indefiniate mod break
This thread is meant for archival purposes where I will link this from my signature on JPP.

This thread will serve as a reference point, a guide, and a how-to model to make sure one is not banned from my threads, which everyone knows are among some of the best on JPP. I post deep level analysis and people usually want to be part of JPP history in the making. Make no mistake - if my threads weren't a big deal, no one would care about being left out.

The categories:

A few of you may have undoubtedly found yourselves threadbanned by me at one point. I have 2 categories of those I ban. The first category are the B-team. Posters that I may not want in a specific thread, but overall I don't have much of a problem with. The second category are the Regulars. There are a select few that are on the "Regular list", and they can expect to be pretty much always banned from my threads.

How to not be threadbanned

First, you must contact me in a sincere manner. You must express your desire to be a better poster, and you want to be given a real chance to prove yourself to me. You should understand the issue I have of you, and if not, inquire as to what it is, and then promise me to go forth as someone who will earnestly work towards bettering themselves.

The Regulars

Evince - You are banned because you are mentalcase. You have no coherent thoughts, your contribution to every thread is (-), you can never stay on topic, and you can't even let your guard down in the fun threads where people are just dicking around. You are incredibly stupid and uneducated, and no one honestly gets any true insight from you. You likely will never be de-regged as you aren't even sentient.

Cypress - I think there is a very solid, realistic chance that you've jacked off to your own posts. If there was someone that had a fetish for posting on a political messageboard, it would be you. I really hope that's not actually a thing, but it would explain so much about you. Every post of yours is self indulgent, reeks of insecurity, and only serves your vain need to feel better about yourself. You mock anyone that dares to still bring up hillary (even though she's in the news everyday), but you'll still be rehashing the Iraq war, george bush, and the mid 2000's. Stuck in the past, with a political arrested development. You area hapless douchebag. Lastly, you frame yourself as a male feminist lady ally while you have a history of harassing women online. You are the definition of a hypocrite. A pervy beta loser that skype dates any JPP female that'll give him attention. Gross.

In order to be unreglisted you must confess your hypocrisy, promise no more jack-off posts, no more living 14 years ago, you have to stop being a pervy creeper, and you must humble yourself before me.

Domer76/Nomad - As far as I am concerned you two are the same person. You have no chill. A lot of JPP'ers flame each other, but it's neverending with you. You're always in bitter butthurt mode. You have an extreme unhealthy hatred for text on the internet. I've never seen you guys just relax in a thread and just shoot the shit. Have you ever had a conversation where you just typed normally without screaming at someone? Are you guys capable of just being chill dudes with a disagreement? But nope, you always take every thread to 11 and crop dust it with your negativity. Both of you feel victimized by being banned, or think it's because of politics. The vast majority of liberals are allowed in my threads. The truth is, I don't find you bring any value to the discussion, just needless primal anger. I have no time for that.

In order to be unreglisted you need to show how chill you can be. Show that you are normal people that can shoot the shit. You need to demonstrate being able to post in threads without imitating a wolverine with rabies. You will need to humble yourselves before me

Blackascoal - You are threadbanned for one main reason. There is a lack of material substance to many of your posts, as they are rooted in wishful thinking and non-falsifiable claims. You know, stuff like "the revolution is around the corner, and already here." To me, as a political realist, this is banal and boring to me. You can only be wrong so many times before all you are typing is just words. I don't care about your daydreams. Additionally, you have demonstrated yourself to be very politically stupid. I don't find you offer value often when it comes to the actual discussion of political and political strategy. Ultiamtely, I find you vapid.

In order to be unreglisted, you'll have to humble yourself before me. You'll have to be able to demonstrate the ability to have a wider dynamic in the things you talk about, and you need to take steps to ground your posts in reality, rather than lofty platitudes.

The B-Team

Most on this list are fine. You'll just find yourself banned periodically. I shall list the reasons below. You don't have to do anything if you are on this list because overall you shouldn't expect to be threaded by me very often.

thing1 - I b-team you when I make gloat posts, and want to have fun without you being your salty self. Also sometimes you are predictable and I rather save the space.

cartoonKen - If i want to have a serious post or discussion, you can't come in. I don't want you spamming me with cartoons

rana -
same reason as thing1. Keeping the salt out.

jarod - you are kind of retarded, you use too many exclamation points, you get excited like a puppy over a lot of dumb shit. You troll too much and not very well I might add.

zappass - you are not a serious poster, you are a hypocrite. When people put the facts in front of you in black and white you still have the amazing ability to completely deny reality.

Mott - you are autism personified. You are a pedantic fuck. You'll bring up elements of an argument nobody actually cares about. You jump to conclusions or jump the gun on posts because you want to hear the sound of your own voice telling someone they are wrong (when in fact it's usually you that's wrong). If I didn't ban you from this very thread you'd be quote-mining everything here and make me roll my eyes of minutia no one cared about. I should call you Minutia-Mott.

Thank you all for your attention. This concludes the Official Grind Threadban Thread.
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