
Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
lol...those are hilarious

i also find it funny how zappy claims he doesn't care about rep and stuff, yet he used to neg rep until he started losing that war and now he has a new "neg rep" and away he goes....

this is great fun
The groans don't actually count on your rep, but the Thank Yous do, they add 100...


Yeah, I liked the idea and integrated it. So if you "Groan" or "Thank" a post you can't just negate it with the opposite... I'm working on creating smaller "buttons" and maybe moving them around so that they aren't so huge on the right...
you moron, zappy already groaned me before this thread, so too bad, zap beat you to the click....i meant on any other board

too many things are just over head

lol....this post was unuseful, but pimp's post wasn't...

you guys crack me up
I dislike this. I don't want to wake up after a morning of asking for the death of every conservative in existence and find 50 or so groans. This is my right.
I dislike this. I don't want to wake up after a morning of asking for the death of every conservative in existence and find 50 or so groans. This is my right.
Might I suggest not waking up in the morning?

Don't thank me for this suggestion, it's the least I could do.
what is truly funny is that the troll legion is using the groans the most....because all his trolls have negative he, in his various trolls, runs around groaning everything....poor troll with no life

How do we know Yurt isn't the trollmeister? And for him to accuse another of being obsessed is fucken hilarious! He's on here a lot, so who needs to get a life?
the coward has to go anonymous and dumbass....i'm not the troll and everyone knows it....

in fact, ask damo, damo knows who you are, and in fact you've had a couple accounts closed because you kept posting personal information due to your unhealthy obsession with me

why don't you get a life :)
I don't know you're not a troll. A troll is somebody who tries to stir up shit, you fit the bill.

You're a troll.

As to your ignorant accusation, WTF are you on about?
This is obviously not Maineman, but it is a strange troll. The guy runs around thanking my posts, which is cool because its 100 points a pop, but it does come with an eerie feeling of being stalked...