‘Grossly unfit for office’: Alabama newspaper calls on Roy Moore to get out of race


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After a fifth woman came forward with sexual misconduct allegations against Alabama’s GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore, the state’s largest newspaper called on him to drop out of the race.
In our view, Moore has already revealed himself as grossly unfit to be a U.S. Senator before these revelations,” The Birmingham News‘ editorial board wrote Monday afternoon.

“The seriousness of these incidents cannot be overstated. They should not be parsed with talk of statutes of limitations or whether proof exists. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt is a consideration for the courtroom, not the ballot box. When choosing our representative before the rest of the world, character matters,” their note on AL.com read.

“We believe these women,” they continued.
really?.....because I'm sure they originally endorsed the demmycrat.........

Well sweetie pie, if you think that why not post a link to this "endorsement"? Of course you can't because there most likely isn't a newspaper in the state who would support a Democrat for a major office. But, what the hell, lets start those rumors early.
really?.....because I'm sure they originally endorsed the demmycrat.........

Imagine that.

A group of news savvy journalists who make their living investigating the details of the lives and voting records of politicians, as well as the effects of their policies and decisions, and who possess a level of intelligence significantly higher than the average Alabammy citizen, endorses the Democrat candidate, while the average low-intelligence, blue-collar, Bible-thumping redneck moron Alabammy citizen backs the Republican who calls himself a God-fearing Christian in spite of his, it's almost certain knowledge now, perverted child-molesting past.

Big surprise.
Well sweetie pie, if you think that why not post a link to this "endorsement"? Of course you can't because there most likely isn't a newspaper in the state who would support a Democrat for a major office. But, what the hell, lets start those rumors early.
???.....you were the first to claim they endorsed Moore......why don't YOU post a link?....