

New member
I AM TheStripey1, peace tiger. Although I lean left on some issues, I am neither liberal nor democrat and although I lean right on others, I am not conservative or a republican. In fact since January of '03, I have been a recovering republican. I am now an unafilliated independent. I am however, staunchly anti-bush, so more often than not, I will swing from the left side of the plate.

I am a veteran having enlisted in the Air Force in '66... I volunteered for the war of my youth and was sent to Viet Nam in Oct '67. Any other vets?

Generally speaking, I rarely post on weekends or evenings, so if I disappear for long periods, it means I'm having REAL fun, it will not mean you have chased me off.


Is there a players' program? Are there avatars?

Love the smilies...
A who's who... who's righty, who's lefty... that kind of thing...

Sure...and you'll find that this particular "player's guide" will hold you in good stead anywhere in cyberspace:

People who are coherent: Lefties

People who are incoherent: Righties

It won't be hard to figure out who's who.
A who's who... who's righty, who's lefty... that kind of thing...
Ah! Alignments. Who plays with whom. Let's see now . . . .

Damocles ( :tongout: )
HipLew (when he's around)
Leaningright (sort of, sometimes)

Uscitizen (though not quite always)

Moderates, Independents and The Confused
Leaningright (getting double billing)

Just Playing with Himself

I hope I di'n't offend nobody. :D
Nope...but I know I fit on the list somewhere, how about Progressive?
Nope...but I know I fit on the list somewhere, how about Progressive?
I always fail to see why the left would want to use that term. It was the exact terminology used by Lenin and Stalin...

Seriously, I'd prefer "liberal" if I were a lefty to the use of such terminology.
I AM TheStripey1, peace tiger. Although I lean left on some issues, I am neither liberal nor democrat and although I lean right on others, I am not conservative or a republican. In fact since January of '03, I have been a recovering republican. I am now an unafilliated independent. I am however, staunchly anti-bush, so more often than not, I will swing from the left side of the plate.

I am a veteran having enlisted in the Air Force in '66... I volunteered for the war of my youth and was sent to Viet Nam in Oct '67. Any other vets?

Generally speaking, I rarely post on weekends or evenings, so if I disappear for long periods, it means I'm having REAL fun, it will not mean you have chased me off.


Is there a players' program? Are there avatars?

Love the smilies...

I salute you and welcome.

I am not a Vet, but I am married to a vet. Nam '67-68, Army.
"Winged Death"
Dak To
Some very ugly stuff.
Thanksgiving 1967 was not a good time.
I have been part of his therapy since 1974 and proud of it.
Again, welcome, you will be an interesting addition!
Ah! Alignments. Who plays with whom. Let's see now . . . .

Damocles ( :tongout: )
HipLew (when he's around)
Leaningright (sort of, sometimes)

Uscitizen (though not quite always)

Moderates, Independents and The Confused
Leaningright (getting double billing)

Just Playing with Himself

I hope I didn't offend nobody. :D

thanks Ornot...

to the righties, I have to add: red states drool... I mean rule...

to the lefties, me...
I always fail to see why the left would want to use that term. It was the exact terminology used by Lenin and Stalin...

Seriously, I'd prefer "liberal" if I were a lefty to the use of such terminology.
"Liberal" has been co-opted, in a sense. Among leftists it's actually used as a mild insult, meaning someone who is lazy and hypocritical. Ironically enough, that's pretty much the same way in which those on the Right intend it, though for entirely different reasons as I'm sure you can imagine.

"Progressive" is actually fairly descriptive and doesn't have much emotional freight for most people in the U.S. or Europe.
"Liberal" has been co-opted, in a sense. Among leftists it's actually used as a mild insult, meaning someone who is lazy and hypocritical. Ironically enough, that's pretty much the same way in which those on the Right intend it, though for entirely different reasons as I'm sure you can imagine.

"Progressive" is actually fairly descriptive and doesn't have much emotional freight for most people in the U.S. or Europe.
I just thought that purposefully adopting communist terminology would be anathema to any party in the US, especially one attempting to avoid the "socialist" label.

It fascinates me.
I just thought that purposefully adopting communist terminology would be anathema to any party in the US, especially one attempting to avoid the "socialist" label.

It fascinates me.
That, I can't speak to, since I've never tried to avoid the "socialist" label myself. For that matter, I've nothing against communists even if I don't agree with them on a lot of issues.
Careful now....

I salute you and welcome.

I am not a Vet, but I am married to a vet. Nam '67-68, Army.
"Winged Death"
Dak To
Some very ugly stuff.
Thanksgiving 1967 was not a good time.
I have been part of his therapy since 1974 and proud of it.
Again, welcome, you will be an interesting addition!

Strippie may challenge you on" Dak To" where the hell was "Dak To" I know what you meant but lets see if Strippie corrects ya...waiting for the canned Are ya referring to 101Airborne...'Winged Death" ace of spades callin' card???
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"Ah! Alignments. Who plays with whom. Let's see now . . . .

Damocles ( )
HipLew (when he's around)
Leaningright (sort of, sometimes)

Uscitizen (though not quite always)

Moderates, Independents and The Confused
Leaningright (getting double billing)

Just Playing with Himself

I hope I di'n't offend nobody. "

Poor poor superfreak... always left off of the lists... I think I may cry now...


Stripey... I am economically conservative. Socially it compeltely depends on the topic.
I AM TheStripey1, peace tiger. Although I lean left on some issues, I am neither liberal nor democrat and although I lean right on others, I am not conservative or a republican. In fact since January of '03, I have been a recovering republican. I am now an unafilliated independent. I am however, staunchly anti-bush, so more often than not, I will swing from the left side of the plate.

I am a veteran having enlisted in the Air Force in '66... I volunteered for the war of my youth and was sent to Viet Nam in Oct '67. Any other vets?

Generally speaking, I rarely post on weekends or evenings, so if I disappear for long periods, it means I'm having REAL fun, it will not mean you have chased me off.


Is there a players' program? Are there avatars?

Love the smilies...
Hi Smiley, it is purrrfectly lovely to have you here. HEH HEH it's time to paws for applause--- or maybe for paws to applaud
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Sure...and you'll find that this particular "player's guide" will hold you in good stead anywhere in cyberspace:

People who are coherent: Lefties

People who are incoherent: Righties

It won't be hard to figure out who's who.
Ah, that's not a bit nice. --- Honest perhaps, but not nice