GSA head violates the Hatch act

The U.S. special counsel has called on President Bush to discipline General Services Administration chief Lurita Alexis Doan "to the fullest extent" for violating the federal Hatch Act when she allegedly asked political appointees how they could "help our candidates" during a January meeting.

This is how third-world, banana countries operate.

On the other hand, allow me to give you the canned republican response:

"So what?!! Everyone does it! Democrats do it too!"
I think its pretty clear to anyone with a brain which party creates the divided partisan country we see today.

Divide and concur
"I think its pretty clear to anyone with a brain which party creates the divided partisan country we see today."

Anyone with a brain realizes it is BOTH parties that seek to divide the country. But you are too much of a partisan hack to ever admit that.
Yep the first way to stage of conquering a country is to cause internal division. That has been well done by the rebutlikens.
The second stage would be to remove external support. The Rebutlikens have done well on that angle as well.

I think the fool should be fired not chastised.
Can you envision the united states of ENRON ?
Seems to be our path at the present.
Get all the agencies to cook the books and such....
" Yep the first way to stage of conquering a country is to cause internal division. That has been well done by the rebutlikens"

and the demoncrats....
" Yep the first way to stage of conquering a country is to cause internal division. That has been well done by the rebutlikens"

and the demoncrats....

Only because the demoncrats resisted the neos leads. to stay in the same position is to divide ? Amazing illogic there.
please. The democrats try to divide this country all the time. As do the republicans. By getting the populace to continually say... see it is the Reps/Dems fault, they maintain the status quo... which is BOTH parties continually screwing over the public.

But it appears as you too are too partisan to admit it. If you truly think the Dems haven't been just as divisive over the past decade plus, then you can join Desh's kool aid party... you will be a welcome lil sheep to their demented flock.
Only because the demoncrats resisted the neos leads. to stay in the same position is to divide ? Amazing illogic there.
Oh, Please! You really mean that the "They're coming for our children!" crap was supposed to unite the nation and make us all like each other? Give that crap up. The divide has long been fertilized by members of both parties. Do I think it is wrong? Hell, yes. But attempting to blame it solely on one side is just falling for this sick crap, it isn't "fixing" anything.
Do you care your country is beign used by people to make a one party system out of us?

People no matter what stripes you have you have to realise what this will mena for the country.

If the Dems start doing this stuff once in office I will fight them too.
Oh, Please! You really mean that the "They're coming for our children!" crap was supposed to unite the nation and make us all like each other? Give that crap up. The divide has long been fertilized by members of both parties. Do I think it is wrong? Hell, yes. But attempting to blame it solely on one side is just falling for this sick crap, it isn't "fixing" anything.
Yeah all that traitor, unamerican, terrorist supporting, unpatrotic rhetoric has been spewed for a long time by most of the demoncrats ? right ?
right it was only the right.

It is all over out there how the rebutlikens under bush have greatly increased the division in our country. And this is by "experts" not techno oriented political hacks like us.
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Yeah all that traitor, unamerican, terrorist supporting, unpatrotic rhetoric has been spewed for a long time by most of the demoncrats ? right ?
right it was only the right.

It is all over out there how the rebutlikens under bush have greatly increased the division in our country. And this is by "experts" not techno oriented political hacks like us.
If you notice, I didn't forgive it. I promote a different degree of dialogue. One which neither side tries to prove that the other is "evil".

So you point is we should ignore when the left does it and blame it on the Rs because they did it to you?
"If the Dems start doing this stuff once in office I will fight them too."

What do you mean IF they start doing it? They, like the Republicans, have been doing it for decades. People like YOU are the end result. Mindless political sheep who spit out the same tired empty rhetoric that your parties leaders tell you to say. Or that ideological websites give you permission to regurgitate. Idiots like you that think it is only one party doing it now... but hey great .... IF your party "starts to do it" THEN you will hold them accountable.

You truly are a moron desh.
If you notice, I didn't forgive it. I promote a different degree of dialogue. One which neither side tries to prove that the other is "evil".

So you point is we should ignore when the left does it and blame it on the Rs because they did it to you?

yeah that is right flip it all over.
Try and make what I said into something else....

Muddle things up....par for the course.

Yes both parties have been doing thias forever, but the Bushites made an art form of it and pressed the pedal to the floor on their bus to war.
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