Guards at banks


Villified User
I wonder if we will start having para military type guards with assault rifles in front of banks? Like Mexico city.

Might be the next contract for Blackwater.
I wonder if we will ever teleport.

Man that would be so sweet. The military would probably never let us use it. Of course all the republicans and their coproate buddies would end up with them anyway! :cof1:

When I first moved to D.C. there were armed guards (pistols, not assault rifles) at the Safeway supermarket near my friend's place in Adams Morgan. I really wondered what I was getting myself into!
When I first moved to D.C. there were armed guards (pistols, not assault rifles) at the Safeway supermarket near my friend's place in Adams Morgan. I really wondered what I was getting myself into!

Did you know the city in Europe with the highest murder rate is Limerick, with a rate of 7 per 100k? I mean, sheesh, Mississippi with rural areas included almost beats that. Just trying to throw off the "IT'S BECAUSE OF TEH GUN BANSZ?!" drones.

But Mexico in general is a very violent place.