Last night they actually played the national anthem at the Eagles Atlanta game and nobody was kneeling, everybody was standing. If they keep that up, I'm gonna call the Eagles office and tell em to send back my green jockstrap.
Last night they actually played the national anthem at the Eagles Atlanta game and nobody was kneeling, everybody was standing. If they keep that up, I'm gonna call the Eagles office and tell em to send back my green jockstrap.
There are 32 NFL teams ...
There are 12 to 14 Games a week ...
Each NFL team is allowed to have 53 players on it's roster, +5 practice squad players; totaling 1696 players
At any given time, there were never more than 10 or 12 players kneeling ... at the most in all the games.
Maybe 2 or 3 games a week ever televise the National Anthem to their audience.
The Right is bitching an complaining about One (1) Player who refused to be told what to do.
Ladies and Gentlemen ... this defines Loony Right.
Sweetheart, there are 10 players on each teams practice squad. Leave football to the men and go bake cookies.
Ok 10, it' still 1696 players and you're still wetting your panties over one ... and you call yourself a Man
I bet you never play on Big Ten College Team ...... and got a degree from that School
Sweetheart, there are 10 players on each teams practice squad. Leave football to the men and go bake cookies.
Hey, what’s wrong with baking cookies?Sweetheart, there are 10 players on each teams practice squad. Leave football to the men and go bake cookies.
tell us which big 10 school you played for honey bunch.
and football causes brain damage
Hey, what’s wrong with baking cookies?
Lol, you must really hate cookie bakers.cunt
Not surprised you are unaware of reality:
"Philadelphia Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins resumed his protest against social inequality by raising his fist during the national anthem prior to Thursday's preseason opener against the Pittsburgh Steelers.
I was speaking about the Thursday night game. I didn't see any protest in that game.
Furthermore, I don't blame the players for their misguided protest. I blame the gutless leftist influenced NFL. Employers don't have to put up with the distractions and negative effects of the protest all they need to do is fine and suspend the players that are the cause of the negative effects and distraction. I say the players are simply misguided children getting away with a tantrum. If they were really concerned about social justice in the big city ghettos, they'd take their protest to the City Halls where the actual accountability for their social justice belongs. If they were honest about it they would also take note that those City Halls in the vast majority are operated and controlled by the Democrat party and many of those City Halls are controlled by black Democrats.
First lie "Gutless leftist influenced NFL". You mean the same ones that donated millions to the Trump campaign?
Second point of ignorance. Do you support the Constitution, or not? Or is ones right to protest limited to off the field, and not during your entertainment?
I have to wonder what would have happened if your gutless leader had not open his lying cowardly mouth.
Next piece of bull shit. The right wing is always bragging about how the States, City Hall, etc,. are controlled by your Repugnants. Now you say they are controlled by Democrats.
Problem with you is that you have no understanding of how the country is supposed to run. You have never served anyone, or anything, save for yourself. And you have no concept of what "To the people" means.
As I have told you before, take the time to educate yourself before attempting to appear "intelligent", and having your head somewhere else besides Trumps ass.
What does WHO they donated to have to do with their CEO and owners being gutless and influenced by the left? They're afraid their multi-million dollar "misguided" babies will walk out on them. They have no guts or gonads. They don't have to put up with the misguided childish tantrum. Fine em, bench em and send em packing. Won't be long before the entire circus is over.
Kaepernick just got a contract with Nike for the reason that the NFL owners colluded with each other to prevent him from playing. What your mini-mentality refuses to grasp is that these guys are businessmen something even your idol Trump fails to grasp. Their money is invested in these players. Now, perhaps you can explain just what patriotism Trump has demonstrated by his actions. The coward turned his back on the Constitution, and the country, long ago. First with his cowardice in avoiding going to Vietnam, and then with his exporting jobs to China. But you see, he needed something to get his crowd of useful idiots who care not for the Constitution, or even for the racial injustice we see on a daily basis (like the White woman cop who killed her neighbor when she was ion the wrong floor trying to get in to the wrong apartment. He was Black). To you that is just another day, and to hell with the rights of others who are not of your color. Then too, why would you want to ask others to violate the Constitution? Because your idol Trump said you should:
I totally support everybody's constitutional right to protest. Even if their protest is misguided. I also support employer's right to fire their asses if they're violating their contract and or workplace rules. Apparently you only support "PARTICULAR" rights of "PARTICULAR" people, huh?
Now the idiot ASSumes to know something. If the employer is violating the Constitution you would still support the employer. But you know liar, you have never seen me denigrate anyone's right to protest just as you have never seen a left wing protest that you would support.
Barrack Obama is no longer my "gutless leader." Considering his "RED LINES," I think he'd just ignore or even support the trashing of our flag and anthem.
Again with the ASSumptions. Tell us little toady., how many "red lines" has your coward in chief let pass? Got any idea? Of course not. You are so busy kissing his ass you cannot see anything else but that shiny white light.
Well sir, if the protest is about social justice for blacks, we have to consider where they live and where the social injustice mostly takes place and I do believe that's the big inner city ghettoes. Show me a big American City that's not controlled by the Democrat party and usually black Democrat politicians.
It matters not where they live save for to bigots like you that supported moving them to the ghettoes to get them out of sight. As to major cities, Portland, Oregon, Seattle Washington, San Diego, Minneapolis, and most any major city in the deep South. Educate yourself, and quit being a useful idiot:
I don't believe you have a clue as to who or where I have served. You don't know squat about me!
Your cowardice comes through quite clear.
As I have told you before, take the time to educate yourself before attempting to appear "intelligent", and having your head somewhere else besides Trumps ass.
What your mini-mentality refuses to grasp. The coward turned his back on the Constitution, and the country, long ago. First with his cowardice in avoiding going to Vietnam, and then with his exporting jobs to China.
Now the idiot ASSumes to know something. If the employer is violating the Constitution you would still support the employer. But you know liar, you have never seen me denigrate anyone's right to protest just as you have never seen a left wing protest that you would support.
Again with the ASSumptions. Tell us little toady., how many "red lines" has your coward in chief let pass? Got any idea? Of course not. You are so busy kissing his ass you cannot see anything else but that shiny white light.
It matters not where they live save for to bigots like you that supported moving them to the ghettoes to get them out of sight.