Guliani vs. Hillary

Who do you prefer?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • Rudolph Guliani

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters


Let's face it. The 2008 contest is going to come down to Guliani vs. Hillary. Who do you support?

I know the two party system is unfair, but it's what we have to work with, guys!
Let's face it. The 2008 contest is going to come down to Guliani vs. Hillary. Who do you support?

I know the two party system is unfair, but it's what we have to work with, guys!

I would think we pretty much know who each person on this board would vote for (not everyone but most).
Unfortunately this poll is pretty much how it will turn out. Pick the lesser of the evils.

NO GODDAMN IT! I'll fucking write in Ron Paul if those are the two choices. Fuck the system its that kind of mentality that has us in this shit box of a congress and administration in the first place.
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Time for a Norm vote?

NO GODDAMN IT! I'll fucking write in Ron Paul if those are the two choices. Fuck the system its that kind of mentality that has us in this shit box of a congress and administration in the first place.

I'll either write in Ron Paul or make it a Norm vote. My neighbor, Norm, refuses to vote for the lesser of two evils. He writes in Satan. The last guy he voted for was Eisenhower.
Lets vote for Cpl Norm Foster. He's a drunk womanizer (so Clinton lovers would swoon for him) but he's honest and he kicks ass.
Don't write in Ron Paul unless he is an official write-in candidate. It will not count. Vote Libertarian, or find another third party that will better reflect your opinion. It must count in order to send any kind of message.
the big difference between the republicans is whether they go with a lefty or righty combover, except for the multiple wife believer.
Bullshit it will. I'll vote for myself if I have to. I REFUSE to be part of the problem.
Once again, if they are not officially registered as a write-in candidate the vote simply doesn't count. Just don't vote then. Personally I would choose the Libertarian option, you can choose whatever third party better represents your idea.

I'll either write in Ron Paul or make it a Norm vote. My neighbor, Norm, refuses to vote for the lesser of two evils. He writes in Satan. The last guy he voted for was Eisenhower.

Right...Your friend Norm was my friend...don't ya really mean his big bro your friend...?(Roger) Never mind this is a 'hang ten' episode...! Damned if ya do damned if ya don't! Never mind me and Norm were Army..You were AF..And Roger was also Army...albeit he was in your age
Bullshit it will. I'll vote for myself if I have to. I REFUSE to be part of the problem.

Do you understand how we elect people in America?

If Ron Paul doesn't have a set of electors presented to be running on his short list, then the vote is towards nothing and it doesn't count. You might as well leave the line blank. Stop acting like an idiot.
Do you understand how we elect people in America?

If Ron Paul doesn't have a set of electors presented to be running on his short list, then the vote is towards nothing and it doesn't count. You might as well leave the line blank. Stop acting like an idiot.

:321: Water least Capt. Billy was there...unlike you and the toilet scenario! Now that was a war to fight for..did she or did he have a great orgasm?...Sorry but ya asked for it!