Gunno’s Goyim

It never ceases to amaze me how some Jews simply can’t think straight enough to realize that the lefty’s will come for the Jew when they gain political powers.

This is a matter of historical fact.
Gunno has me on ignore because he is biblically illiterate and knows he is no match for my exposition of scripture.

As a Jew, he feels threatened by the evidence that Yeshua is his Jewish Messiah.

I do not have harsh feelings about that because I understand completely .

The point is that gundogg anf other Jews think that people like that towel woman are his friends when in reality she and others like her were responsible for the pogroms and the Holocaust.

I certainly have seen the lefty jew hate elsewhere, but I don't understand it.
Don't mess with my jew friends, I'll fuck you up.
I'm a hero to the little jew boy from my neighborhood. Me and a friend kicked the bully's asses.
Also his sisters are friends of mine. Even though the younger one has stinky feet.
Oh! Nobody ever said that, that's why I said it!
We didn't want to hurt her feelings.
I certainly have seen the lefty jew hate elsewhere, but I don't understand it.
Don't mess with my jew friends, I'll fuck you up.
I'm a hero to the little jew boy from my neighborhood. Me and a friend kicked the bully's asses.
Also his sisters are friends of mine.

My life is blessed because I blessed the Jews.

My life is blessed because I blessed the Jews.


God says they're his chosen people, that's good 'nuff for me.
I ain't one to be questioning why or what, God says that, and that's good enough for me.
I should be dead, but I'm not. God don't play. Personally, I'm taking his word for it.
God says they're his chosen people, that's good 'nuff for me.
I ain't one to be questioning why or what, God says that, and that's good enough for me.

He also says not all Israel is Israel meaning only the believers among the Jews are true Jews which excludes gundogg which is the purpose of this thread. Conversion Therapy.
He chimed in on my Isaiah 9 thread where I demonstrated that the Jewish Messiah would be born of a virgin. After his cut n paste and YouTube clip he posted, he ran he didn’t want to answer the counters made.

And I’m here, to share in love not to just when the argument .

He also says not all Israel is Israel meaning only the believers among the Jews are true Jews which excludes gundogg which is the purpose of this thread. Conversion Therapy.
He chimed in on my Isaiah 9 thread where I demonstrated that the Jewish Messiah would be born of a virgin. After his cut n paste and YouTube clip he posted, he ran he didn’t want to answer the counters made.

And I’m here, to share in love not to just when the argument .


My standard gumbo reply: