Guns Beer Freedom

since you asked for suggestions, my suggestion would be...don't tell your audience that you can't explain a certain taste, note etc. when i read that, my first thought was, you don't really know what you're talking about. i respect your beer reviews and hope you don't take this the wrong way, but there has to be a better way to explain a flavor/note than...'i don't know'.

perhaps use expressions or words like...unique, undefinable etc...

keep up the good work billy. if you're going to write, words are your art and your tools. a great professor told me that once.
I thought it'd be better to be honest about it than ignore the flavor, mainly because with the Kolsch style its all in being mild and subdued. So while it does taste noticeably different, its difficult to articulate how so. While I am an expert on beer I also know I still need to keep tasting and learning.