guy who keyed my car violated his probation


Junior Member
police just called me at work, they want me to call the DA tuesday morning to go over the charges against him. apparently he violated his probation and has unresolved issues in three states. New Hampshire, New Jersey and Rhode Island. The officer didn't tell me what they were, just that he'll proably be facing a whole host of other charges and probably be extridited... this is bad for me b/c he's probably a poor holyroller as opposed to a regular holyroller, which means ill probably get nothing.. you can't get blood from a stone.
.. this is bad for me b/c he's probably a poor holyroller as opposed to a regular holyroller, which means ill probably get nothing.. you can't get blood from a stone.

Don't know many rich holyrollers, unless you want to get Jerry Falawell or Pat Robertson to key your car.;) Anyway, I'm glad you got the guy arrested rob. It's guys like this (one apparently is) that gives the rest of us holyrollers a bad name.
You cant get much anyway, maybe the value of a new paint job and some punatitive dammages....
well on sunday at the fellowship they had a bucket outside trying to help him get bail.

Sorry to hear that rob. Somebody caught damaging property here wouldn't get a dime from the folks I know, I don't care if it was Satan's car that he keyed. The prevailing attitude is that if you break the law or do someone wrong then whatever you have coming to you, you deserve.