Gynecologist advises women to stop putting garlic in their vaginas. Wait.... WHAT???


From the comments section of the article:

Garlic in the vagina is a bad idea for a number of reasons. It might even inspire your partner to come to bed with a cruet of olive oil and a bit if Parmigiano Reggiano in an attempt to make some sort of weird pudenda aglio e olio and we can’t have that.

Gynecologist can’t believe she has to tell women not to put garlic in their vaginas

Thank god Canadian gynecologist Dr. Jen Gunter exists. Without the author of The Vagina Bible: The Vulva And The Vagina: Separating The Myth From The Medicine, who else would be out there telling women to keep certain items out of their vaginas? (Certainly not Gwyneth Paltrow, whose Goop site pushes vaginal jade eggs to “do everything from fix your hormone levels to help with bladder control” and was subsequently fined by the Orange County District Attorney’s Office, says Vox.)

Every once in a while, some new vaginal trend will spike, and Gunter has to weigh in. A few years ago, hand to god, it was ground-up wasp nests. This week, Gunter has had to take a stand against using garlic in your vagina to cure yeast infections. She adds, “I SHOULDN’T HAVE TO TWEET THAT IN 2019, BUT HERE WE ARE” (all-caps rightfully hers).


Garlic-clove proponents tout allicin’s antifungal properties, which Gunter acknowledges. But the allicin is only released if the clove is chopped or crushed. Which you definitely don’t want to use, then, for fear that you would now have an errant piece of garlic lost in your vagina. Also, Gunter points out, “Garlic could have bacteria from the soil,” also a bad thing to have up there, especially if you’re fighting a yeast infection.

As Gunter pointed out in her 2018 article for The New York Times, “Here Are Things Not to Put in Your Vagina,” “it’s possible that remedies like yogurt, garlic and so on were tried centuries ago as medicine, spermicide or sexual custom… [But] all these so-called ‘ancient’ sexual remedies were retired for a reason.”

We here at The Takeout are far from medical professionals, which is why we defer to the opinions of actual doctors like Gunter. So listen to her (and also, follow her on Twitter, she’s great): Keep garlic out of your vagina. Words to live by. Where’s my bumper sticker?
From the comments section of the article:

Garlic in the vagina is a bad idea for a number of reasons. It might even inspire your partner to come to bed with a cruet of olive oil and a bit if Parmigiano Reggiano in an attempt to make some sort of weird pudenda aglio e olio and we can’t have that.

I always assumed it was Omega fish oil that was in the Douche bottles. Hummmmmmmmmmmm!
Geeze. I know a certain individual, who used to post on the old Amazon forum, who puts herself out as some sort of women's health guru. She has a h.s. education, six kids that she home-schools, is an anti-vax fundie -- and believes that you can self-treat infections at home using stuff like garlic, charcoal, and other substances shoved into various orifices. She has a blog (Pantry Pharmacy) and a Facebook page where women describe in gruesome graphic detail their various gyn and urological problems, and she advises them to insert various things in there to cure it. More than once she advised ppl on the forum to stop taking antibiotics for things like ear infections and to use garlic and other "natural" things. That's fine if you're an adult, but some of the idiots who follow this bimbo are risking their children's health -- and perhaps lives -- by treating them the same way. Not too long ago one woman posted frantically about her four-year-old's massive ear infection, complete with extreme pain so bad that she couldn't even touch the child's ear without her screaming in agony. She was advised to put garlic drops in the ear, press various cut vegetables against the ear, and so on. A week later she posted that the kid was a little better. I imagine that the child has probably lost the hearing permanently in that ear, if she hasn't already developed mastoiditis or encephalitis from an untreated infection. Some of the women are obsessed with their daughters' pee and urethras, and are constantly using pH dipsticks (on the advice of Rebekah the Fruitcake), and shoving various herbal shit in them to "cure" something that likely does not exist. Those kids are going to grow up with some serious complexes, eh?

There are some crazy ass ppl out there.
From the comments section of the article:

Garlic in the vagina is a bad idea for a number of reasons. It might even inspire your partner to come to bed with a cruet of olive oil and a bit if Parmigiano Reggiano in an attempt to make some sort of weird pudenda aglio e olio and we can’t have that.

It's supposed to be eaten, you fucking imbeciles.:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall: How did people get this stupid? Topical application only works for some things. Garlic has more in it then the good stuff, and it's quite acidic. Shouldn't take more then a few years of grade school education, to figure out why that is bad in sensitive areas.
It's supposed to be eaten, you fucking imbeciles. How did people get this stupid? Topical application only works for some things. Garlic has more in it then the good stuff, and it's quite acidic. Shouldn't take more then a few years of grade school education, to figure out why that is bad in sensitive areas.

Hear hear! Too bad "Brunette" aka Rebekah isn't here so you can tell the idiot that to her face. It is truly sad that 21st century ppl -- some of us -- have so little faith in the medical profession that they'll embrace this crazy rather than educating themselves.
It's supposed to be eaten, you fucking imbeciles.:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall: How did people get this stupid? Topical application only works for some things. Garlic has more in it then the good stuff, and it's quite acidic. Shouldn't take more then a few years of grade school education, to figure out why that is bad in sensitive areas.

Well that, and as mentioned in the article, in order for the allicin to be released, the garlic has to be crushed or finely chopped (something I had read elsewhere relative to something else), which would vastly increase the level of difficulty vis-a-vis insertion into the orifice in question.
Well that, and as mentioned in the article, in order for the allicin to be released, the garlic has to be crushed or finely chopped (something I had read elsewhere relative to something else), which would vastly increase the level of difficulty vis-a-vis insertion into the orifice in question.
I could understand a garlic douche before inserting garlic bulbs! Yikes
I could understand a garlic douche before inserting garlic bulbs! Yikes

I have never understood douches. Very few physicians recommend them, and haven't for 2-3 decades unless medically-prescribed. The vagina comes with a carefully calibrated pH, a happy assortment of beneficial organisms, a lining that secretes protective substances that nourish the beneficial organisms and discourage the bad guys. Douching disrupts all that and allows the proliferation of bad organisms. My mom's generation believed that douching was absolutely necessary, esp. after having sex. I guess maybe this arose as a result of absence of effective birth control in those days. Remember how we were told that shaking up a Coke and then stick the bottle up our hoo-haw and letting it foam in there would stop us from getting pregnant? Seriously, that was a 1960s/70s h.s. girl birth control recommendation. Too bad that it led to bad results.
Hear hear! Too bad "Brunette" aka Rebekah isn't here so you can tell the idiot that to her face. It is truly sad that 21st century ppl -- some of us -- have so little faith in the medical profession that they'll embrace this crazy rather than educating themselves.

Supplements work great, but only if you know what the hell you're doing. I had to stop taking one, because of possible issues with my liver.
I have never understood douches. Very few physicians recommend them, and haven't for 2-3 decades unless medically-prescribed. The vagina comes with a carefully calibrated pH, a happy assortment of beneficial organisms, a lining that secretes protective substances that nourish the beneficial organisms and discourage the bad guys. Douching disrupts all that and allows the proliferation of bad organisms. My mom's generation believed that douching was absolutely necessary, esp. after having sex. I guess maybe this arose as a result of absence of effective birth control in those days. Remember how we were told that shaking up a Coke and then stick the bottle up our hoo-haw and letting it foam in there would stop us from getting pregnant?Seriously, that was a 1960s/70s h.s. girl birth control recommendation. Too bad that it led to bad results.

Supplements work great, but only if you know what the hell you're doing. I had to stop taking one, because of possible issues with my liver.

I agree... if by "supplements" you are referring to natural substances that are plant-based or otherwise not regulated by govt. For instance, if you get a minor wound that starts to swell up, get pus-filled and painful, you can often treat it with 4x/daily hot soaks in water with either Epsom salts or ordinary dish soap added. You can treat an acid stomach with wintergreen tea. You can treat minor head and body aches with willow-bark tea with honey. Honey is also a handy minor wound remedy for its protective antibacterial properties. Notice how I keep saying "minor."
I have never understood douches.

Me neither. I could name a few of them here at JPP, though.

Remember how we were told that shaking up a Coke and then stick the bottle up our hoo-haw and letting it foam in there would stop us from getting pregnant? Seriously, that was a 1960s/70s h.s. girl birth control recommendation. Too bad that it led to bad results.

Hmmmmmm...... y'know, that could very well be what's behind the soft drink addiction that is so prevalent nowadays.... :thinking:
Geeze. I know a certain individual, who used to post on the old Amazon forum, who puts herself out as some sort of women's health guru. She has a h.s. education, six kids that she home-schools, is an anti-vax fundie -- and believes that you can self-treat infections at home using stuff like garlic, charcoal, and other substances shoved into various orifices. She has a blog (Pantry Pharmacy) and a Facebook page where women describe in gruesome graphic detail their various gyn and urological problems, and she advises them to insert various things in there to cure it. More than once she advised ppl on the forum to stop taking antibiotics for things like ear infections and to use garlic and other "natural" things. That's fine if you're an adult, but some of the idiots who follow this bimbo are risking their children's health -- and perhaps lives -- by treating them the same way. Not too long ago one woman posted frantically about her four-year-old's massive ear infection, complete with extreme pain so bad that she couldn't even touch the child's ear without her screaming in agony. She was advised to put garlic drops in the ear, press various cut vegetables against the ear, and so on. A week later she posted that the kid was a little better. I imagine that the child has probably lost the hearing permanently in that ear, if she hasn't already developed mastoiditis or encephalitis from an untreated infection. Some of the women are obsessed with their daughters' pee and urethras, and are constantly using pH dipsticks (on the advice of Rebekah the Fruitcake), and shoving various herbal shit in them to "cure" something that likely does not exist. Those kids are going to grow up with some serious complexes, eh?

There are some crazy ass ppl out there.

paragraphs. use them.
I have never understood douches. Very few physicians recommend them, and haven't for 2-3 decades unless medically-prescribed. The vagina comes with a carefully calibrated pH, a happy assortment of beneficial organisms, a lining that secretes protective substances that nourish the beneficial organisms and discourage the bad guys. Douching disrupts all that and allows the proliferation of bad organisms. My mom's generation believed that douching was absolutely necessary, esp. after having sex. I guess maybe this arose as a result of absence of effective birth control in those days. Remember how we were told that shaking up a Coke and then stick the bottle up our hoo-haw and letting it foam in there would stop us from getting pregnant? Seriously, that was a 1960s/70s h.s. girl birth control recommendation. Too bad that it led to bad results.

I used the coke thing in desperation one night on a gf.In hindsight I probably shouldn't have got the coke out of the refrigerator!