Hadley The Reaper


Speaking of people who should be rotting in hell, Stephen Hadley is making his way up to the Hill today to try some dark charm on Republican Senators. At stake? Young lives.

There's room at the top they are telling you still
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill
If you want to be like all the folks on the hill

Anyway, I want this war over and our troops pulled out, but this BS of blaming the mess that is now Iraq on the Iraqis, who, if you listen to these jokers, couldn't find their ass with two hands, a flashlight, and a gps. I find that disgusting, and as far as I can remember, it was actually the Democrats who started with that.

Hadley to back Iraq policy on Hill
Hadley to meet with GOP senators to shore up waning support for war
The Associated Press
Updated: 8:16 a.m. ET July 11, 2007
WASHINGTON - As the Senate debates taking a new course in Iraq, President Bush’s national security adviser scheduled a meeting with more than a dozen Republican senators in a bid to shore up eroding support for the war.

Stephen Hadley was to visit Capitol Hill on Wednesday — one of many such forays in recent days — as the White House finalized a 23-page progress report on Iraq that concludes the government in Baghdad has made little progress in meeting reform goals laid down by Bush and Congress.

Iraq’s inability to pass laws considered key to national cohesion and economic recovery or achieve other major milestones has prompted a backlash by Bush’s one-time staunch political defenders.

At least 10 Republicans in recent weeks have said the United States should start reducing the military’s role in Iraq, with the latest challenge to the president’s Iraq strategy coming Tuesday from Sen. Elizabeth Dole.

“Simply put, our troops have been doing a great job, but the Iraqi government has not,” Dole, R-N.C., said. “Our commitment in Iraq is not indefinite, nor should the Iraqi government perceive it to be. It is my firm hope and belief that we can start bringing our troops home in 2008.”

Up to 20 GOP senators were invited to the meeting with Hadley to discuss the war.

18 benchmarks
Earlier this year, Congress passed a 2007 war spending bill that identified 18 benchmarks for political, security and economic reforms. The list was based on promises made by the Iraqi government when Bush decided to send in 30,000 additional U.S. troops.

The legislation required Bush to certify by July 15 and again on Sept. 15 that Baghdad was making significant strides in meeting the benchmarks. If he cannot, U.S. aid dollars must be cut, according to the law.

The law allows Bush to waive the requirement to cut funding.

Based on that list, the administration is likely to argue some progress has been made in reducing the level of sectarian violence and militia control. Iraq also has established several, but not all, of the needed joint neighborhood security stations in Baghdad, as well as increased the number of capable Iraqi security units.

But the report also is expected to concede that several major goals have not been met: Iraqi laws to allocate oil and gas resources and revenue, and to address amnesty for former Baath Party members.

I wonder what pork (bought with our money not his) Bush is offering to buy people over to his dark side ?