Hagels Announcement


Well...this news is a couple of days old and yet doesnt appear to be posted here...

Chuck Hagel is to make a major announcement Monday and speculation is that he's throwing his hat in the ring.

Finally.. a true Fiscal Conservative joins the fray .... one that has moved against this Cluster Fuck of a War ...and one that has a clear outline for transitioning to Alternative Energies...
Has even traveled abroad to re-open Kyoto Talks.
LOL I don't really know what Rush and Hannity say about him. What do they say and are they wrong? I do see Hagel on tv pretty often. I don't think much of him. Do you think he has a chance in either party or even a third party run?
He is a Reagan/Kemp Conservative... he is getting dumped on by Hannity and Rush because he has moved solidly against Bush ... and this Cluster fuck of a War...

Does he have a chance ...? Should things continue to get ugly for Bush/Cheney ... and Pubs come to their senses... he could be the true alternative and saving grace for the Republican Primary ...
If he makes it to the general .. he then becomes the Fiscal Conservative who has a dynamite plan to transition towards Alternative Energy ...
Potentially he could do what Reagan did... galvanize a sector of the Democratic party ..
At this point, I believe he will be the nominee if the war does not improve. However I think he will not be if there is notable improvement in Iraq.
I really can't tolerate, and certainly would never support nor vote for the Republican economic agenda.

Hagel won't get my vote, and I really have no idea which part of the Democratic party he's going to "galvanize".

Still, I hope he is the nominee for that party. I don't think I can take another four years of utter maniacs running this country, or of looking at someone's face whom I cannot stand. He's sane, and he doesn't make me scream when I see him on television. It's a sad state of affairs when you actually have to sit back and pray that next time around, you get a President who is sane. Just, sane. At this point, anything over and above sanity is gravy.

The Esquire piece was impressive. And Republicans don't impress this girl, as you might guess. I'm immune to all that fluff piece bullshit. I mean I see someone like Cenk Unger spending five minutes with Fred Thompson and he sounds like he's in love. And I just think, are you out of your f'ing mind? But with Hagel...I hadn't known about what he did during that Max Cleeland debacle. It was decent. And again...basic decency? Now a big impressive trait. That's what the entire bush team has done. Talk about lowered expectations. If he were an ex-boyfriend, all the next guy would have to do is not punch you in the face over dinner, and you'd be like, wow, Prince f'ing Charming, I'm in love! (though, given the over-all political atmosphere, it was not "decent for a Republican", it was really, really decent of the guy)
I really can't tolerate, and certainly would never support nor vote for the Republican economic agenda.

Hagel won't get my vote, and I really have no idea which part of the Democratic party he's going to "galvanize".

Still, I hope he is the nominee for that party. I don't think I can take another four years of utter maniacs running this country, or of looking at someone's face whom I cannot stand. He's sane, and he doesn't make me scream when I see him on television. It's a sad state of affairs when you actually have to sit back and pray that next time around, you get a President who is sane. Just, sane. At this point, anything over and above sanity is gravy.

The Esquire piece was impressive. And Republicans don't impress this girl, as you might guess. I'm immune to all that fluff piece bullshit. I mean I see someone like Cenk Unger spending five minutes with Fred Thompson and he sounds like he's in love. And I just think, are you out of your f'ing mind? But with Hagel...I hadn't known about what he did during that Max Cleeland debacle. It was decent. And again...basic decency? Now a big impressive trait. That's what the entire bush team has done. Talk about lowered expectations. If he were an ex-boyfriend, all the next guy would have to do is not punch you in the face over dinner, and you'd be like, wow, Prince f'ing Charming, I'm in love! (though, given the over-all political atmosphere, it was not "decent for a Republican", it was really, really decent of the guy)

What is the democratic economic agenda? Are you against trade with countries which use slave labor? That could be a winning issue if you had the balls.
What is the democratic economic agenda? Are you against trade with countries which use slave labor? That could be a winning issue if you had the balls.

Why do men believe it takes "balls" to post something, anything, on the internet?

You sound like Dennis Kucinich, who prounced, that if elected President, on his first day in office, he would "cancel" all free trade agreements effective immediately. I live Kucinich, but he'll never be President, nor should he be. You cannot cancel all trade agreements. What you can do, is make them fairer.

Much like unregulated capitalism, unregulated free trade, harms the less fortunate.

As far as countries like China, sure I'd love to say "Let's stop all trade with China until they get their human rights act together." Guess what? Not going to happen, nor should it. That would colapse the economy. I also believe that in order to have any influence over a country, you need to be speaking with them. American "the world is flaters" whose religion is that all trade is good trade, have it wrong. So do the Kucinichs of the world.

There is a middle ground. We live in a global economy now, and there is no going back. You can pretend that there is a going back, but that will just put in the same category as the old farts sitting around houses, bars, and sadly, some parts of Congress, talking bout the "good ole days" when everyone had "morals". They're dreaming too. Look ahead, because that's the only direction anyone, or anything, ever moves in.

Gosh, I can't believe I had the balls to post this! I'm a little scared to hit send.
Why do men believe it takes "balls" to post something, anything, on the internet?

You sound like Dennis Kucinich, who prounced, that if elected President, on his first day in office, he would "cancel" all free trade agreements effective immediately. I live Kucinich, but he'll never be President, nor should he be. You cannot cancel all trade agreements. What you can do, is make them fairer.

Much like unregulated capitalism, unregulated free trade, harms the less fortunate.

As far as countries like China, sure I'd love to say "Let's stop all trade with China until they get their human rights act together." Guess what? Not going to happen, nor should it. That would colapse the economy. I also believe that in order to have any influence over a country, you need to be speaking with them. American "the world is flaters" whose religion is that all trade is good trade, have it wrong. So do the Kucinichs of the world.

There is a middle ground. We live in a global economy now, and there is no going back. You can pretend that there is a going back, but that will just put in the same category as the old farts sitting around houses, bars, and sadly, some parts of Congress, talking bout the "good ole days" when everyone had "morals". They're dreaming too. Look ahead, because that's the only direction anyone, or anything, ever moves in.

Gosh, I can't believe I had the balls to post this! I'm a little scared to hit send.
We need fewer balls and a lot more brains in this world. :)
I really can't tolerate, and certainly would never support nor vote for the Republican economic agenda.

Hagel won't get my vote, and I really have no idea which part of the Democratic party he's going to "galvanize".

it is the wing of the Democratic party that would vote for a Fiscal Conservative.., not all Democrats lean left of Fidel Castro. This is how I figure it could play out. If the War continues to go down the drain.. and scandals continue to plague this Administration... Republicans will get fed up and look elsewhere .. Both Giuliani and McCain will lose support because of there support for the War.. this is where Hagel will begin to attract more than the just the alternative crowd.
On the Democratic Front... it all depends on who makes it to the general. I believe Gore would be unbeatable. Should Hillary win ...she is too divisive.. and has many detractors even within her own party.. Hagel could potentially win over some of that. Obama.. looking at his positions..the guy is extremely liberal.. the more Moderate/Fiscal Democrats might look for an Alternative. Hagel has expressed plans to make Alternative Energy as a major issue in his platform.. there are plenty of Democrats that will like the sound of that..

On the Social Issues.. not all Democrats are Pro-Choice, against School Vouchers, Against Social Security Reform and for Gun Control.. that is why each major Party has wings.
Well it's Monday and he just announced, he hasn't made up his mind yet!!!!

Yes, that is a major announcement!!!c LOL
I guess he has not got enough money lined up yet.
Or gotten good enough back scratching offers from the McCain Camp to step down ?
Who knows? Politicians are slime.