Haggard Adopting Clintonian Style Defenses on Both Counts.


Senior Member
CNN TV is reporting that Haggard now admits that he purchased meth from male escort but threw it away without ever snorting it. Sure I bought it but I never used it. And then there is this. I had a massage from him but I never had sex with that man.

Give me a damn break...

Then there is this from the Evangelical Community.

"The worst we have done is not who we are." WOW!!!!

Could they apply that same thinking and willingness to forgive to all the murderers on deaths rows all over America...
LOL, I just read that! Classic. Because we all buy narcotics we aren't going to use.
LOL, I just read that! Classic. Because we all buy narcotics we aren't going to use.

Hey, I had friends who did, although they didn't know it at the time. I had a friend who bought a nice supply of hash and acid and then took some of the acid and saw a lot of flashing lights andcop cars outside his house and flushed the remaining acid and hashish before he realized that the cop had just pulled over a speeder who turned out to be a drunk driver and well...it was a pure case of mistaken identity...That used to happen more often than most people realize I think...

But this sort of exception does not in any way nullify your statement...
LOL, I guess that could have happened to him. I doubt it, but it could have.