Haha NCAA Sportsmanship Nazis, you SUCK! Neener-neener!!

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect
Seriously, a taunting call on Purdue??!!?? WTF??

I'm glad Notre Dame received 15 yards and nearly scored on the next play but for an illegal formation call, but partisanship aside, this is soooo gay.

Get a fucking life!!
Well, at least the Irish managed to win this nailbiter. WSU is getting raped by USC and I can't find the UW game on my deal...
Most overrated team in modern NCAA history. Only Notre Dame can go 8-8 and make it to a bowl game. They are the Dallas Cowboys of college football.
Most overrated team in modern NCAA history. Only Notre Dame can go 8-8 and make it to a bowl game. They are the Dallas Cowboys of college football.
Aint that the truth. The special advantages the BCS gives Noter Dame to become BCS eligible is disgusting and needs to be gotten rid of. Force Noter Dame to join a conference. Knowing Noter Dame, they'll join some cupcake division. The dumbest thing Noter Dame ever did was to turn down the offer to join the big 10.