Hail, Hail,


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Nothing sets a bipartisan conspiracy in motion faster than a threat to the New World Order’s very foundation —— an American president messing with THE U.S. MILITARY.

No surprise here. Notice that “Republican” McConnell justifies his betrayal by aiming his biggest guns at Americans who oppose U.S. military personnel engaging in a foreign country’s wars when this country is not threatened militarily.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) issued a statement on Monday, noting it is a poor decision for the United States military to withdraw from northern Syria to allow Turkey to take over the region.

McConnell said the continued support of the United States in the region has been a bipartisan effort because, "while the physical caliphate has been removed, ISIS and al Qaeda remain dangerous forces in Syria and the ongoing Syrian civil war poses significant security and humanitarian risks."

McConnell is getting old. In his heyday he would have invoked ‘the children’.

“A precipitous withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria would only benefit Russia, Iran, and the Assad regime. And it would increase the risk that ISIS and other terrorist groups regroup," McConnell said. “I urge the President to exercise American leadership to keep together our multinational coalition to defeat ISIS and prevent significant conflict between our NATO ally Turkey and our local Syrian counterterrorism partners."

Sen. McConnell Breaks with Trump Over Syria Withdrawal: It Only Benefits 'Russia, Iran, and the Assad Regime'
Julio Rosas
Posted: Oct 07, 2019 2:55 PM


QUESTION: What benefits Russia, Iran, and Assad more than the United Nations? ANSWER: Bipartisan congressional Republicans and Democrats.

Everything said about American troops serving in foreign countries as peacekeepers instead of killing enemies can be explained in one sentence. All-powerful New World Order traitors will never let any president interfere in their one government world agenda.



As usual, Douglas MacGregor is right on target, yet even he dare not say a word about the New World Order’s evil hand in Congress countermanding the commander in chief’s military decisions:

Trump’s worst appointment appears to agree with withdrawing our troops from Syria. In fact, Needless Nikki wants whatever the New World Order crowd wants.



Parenthetically, the New World Order grip on the U.S. military is clearly seen in Afghanistan:

NOTE: Afghanistan is a United Nations war fought to install a democracy. In 18 years the U.S. military spent more time building schools and roads in order to promote the U.N.’s democracy garbage then they spent killing Muslim terrorists. I doubt very much if President Trump can pull out of Afghanistan because a complete withdrawal will be a defeat for the United Nations and for the Democracy Movement.


Finally, it looks like the New World Order gang is keeping the door open for the U.S. military’s return just as the U.N. did in Afghanistan:

A Senior White House official clarified Monday that President Donald Trump was not immediately withdrawing troops from Syria, after Trump’s phone call with the Turkish president.

“This does not constitute a withdrawal from Syria. We’re talking about a small number of troops that will move to other bases within Syria,” the official noted, citing 50-100 troops in the region.

The White House arranged for an official to brief reporters in a call after Republicans in the foreign policy establishment universally condemned Trump’s decision, announced on Sunday night and promoted on Twitter on Monday morning.

“I held off this fight for almost 3 years, but it is time for us to get out of these ridiculous Endless Wars, many of them tribal, and bring our soldiers home,” Trump wrote on Twitter.

President Donald Trump was informed of the upcoming operation by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday night, prompting his announcement that he was moving about 50 American operatives away from the potential conflict zone.

The official was adamant that Trump’s troop movements were not “green lighting” or endorsing the Turkish military campaign against the Kurdish PKK forces.

“The President has made it very clear, publicly and privately, that the United States does not endorse or support any Turkish operation in Northern Syria,” he said.

He criticized a New York Times headline that said that Trump had “endorsed” the operation, noting that it was “irresponsible and doesn’t comport with the reality of the situation.”

The official said that the president ultimately wanted to move troops out of Syria, but that he was not doing it at the moment.

“That remains our ultimate goal, is to get American troops from the Middle East and to let the parties in the region determine their own future,” he said. “But this is not the time for any such move right now. We’re moving 50 troops within Syria.”

White House Clarifies: Donald Trump Moving 50 Troops Within Syria, Not Out of the Country
by Charlie Spiering
7 Oct 2019
