Half in US choose cremation as views on death change


Verified User
I would imagine in the near future, cremation will be mandatory due to population growth and lack of land for cemeteries!



Well, put me down as a cremationist.

Not for me an eternity a mouldering in the grave. No, sir. It is not unknown for a rakish, man-about-town type, such as myself, to awaken in an early hour, ones mind ravaged by thoughts of grief stricken ex-lovers advancing upon ones final resting place, shovel in one hand, pickling jar in the other. Yes, Jessica, i'm looking at you.

Of course, my first choice for bodily disposal would have to be for my corpse to be left on the roof to be picked clean by hungry vultures, like those nice Indian chaps favour. I must admit the noticeable paucity of vultures in the local vicinity does put a certain spanner in the works. Enquiries at the local bird of prey centre were met with the shortest of shrift and a strongly worded instruction never to return.

So, all things considered, i am choosing the romance of being incinerated like medical waste.
I was a soldier and will be buried in a National Cemetery, with full military honors!
They have a section for cremations burials, columbarium, and regular burials.

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