Half the Electorate Views Christian Nationalism as a Threat

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Affinity toward the ideology was best predictor of Trump’s support

“Christian nationalism,” or the belief that the country is or should be a Christian nation that can often include social and political campaigns supposedly aimed at maintaining or reverting back to that status, is not a new phenomenon, but the fervor among its adherents grows stronger amid the United States’ shift toward a more diverse and secular country.


No surprise, as the honkey goyim population continues to shrink they get more shrill
Actually that should be the devil worshiping Evangelical anti Christ nationalism rot from hell.
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lol.....what is Christian nationalism?......the OP says a belief that the nation should be Christian.......I guess that means we can distinguish it from atheist nationalism, lib'rul natioinalim, demmycrat nationalism, etc.......
I've never heard of "atheist nationalism" but it would be great if it existed. Instead of being ruled by the fear of a giant invisible boogie-man floating around out in space somewhere and a book of ancient folklore and fables, we could use common sense and stop rejecting legit science.
Affinity toward the ideology was best predictor of Trump’s support

“Christian nationalism,” or the belief that the country is or should be a Christian nation that can often include social and political campaigns supposedly aimed at maintaining or reverting back to that status, is not a new phenomenon, but the fervor among its adherents grows stronger amid the United States’ shift toward a more diverse and secular country.


No surprise, as the honkey goyim population continues to shrink they get more shrill

Only half?

Then we should be that much easier to eliminate. What are you haters waiting for? Lets get it on.