Hallmark launches unemployment sympathy cards


A sign of the times doesn't begin to cover it ...

We've all received our share of greeting cards meant to celebrate, comfort or console us over life's big or small events: "Happy Birthday," "Get Well Soon," or "Sorry for your Loss."
But one new line of cards acts as a grim reminder of our bleak economic climate. Hallmark recently started producing cards designed to console the unemployed, an NBC station in Indiana reports.

One reads: "Don't think of it as losing your job. Think of it as a time out between stupid bosses."

Hallmark has said the cards are selling well. It's not hard to see why. Although layoffs are relatively low, 14 million Americans are officially unemployed and the unofficial tally is much higher. Perhaps just as important, the average duration of joblessness is now 40 weeks--higher than its been since the 1940s. That means there's a lot of people who could use a little levity, however brief.



A sign of the times doesn't begin to cover it ...We've all received our share of greeting cards meant to celebrate, comfort or console us over life's big or small events: "Happy Birthday," "Get Well Soon," or "Sorry for your Loss."

Do the cards explain why the tax cuts that have been in force for more than 10 years haven't worked, or why we should believe Republicans when they say we need more of 'em?