‘Hamas gambled with our lives’: Gazans are now daring to speak out

Guno צְבִי

Am Yisrael Chai
Across the Gaza Strip – from markets to evacuee camps to social media channels – Palestinian frustration and anger with Hamas is on the rise.

Complaints began with Hamas’ apparent disregard for Gaza civilians who faced the brunt of Israel’s punishing military response to the Oct. 7 attack while Hamas fighters remained in tunnels.

Now, with starvation, profiteering, and internal chaos on the rise, the militant group that has ruled the strip for 17 years is nowhere to be found.

“We did not choose to be in a war that takes us from our homes, [takes] the lives of loved ones, and puts our lives in a death game that we knew nothing about,” says Bisan Nateel, a youth organizer for a local Gaza nongovernmental organization.

“Hamas didn’t warn us or give any instructions to protect or help people. I don’t know what they were thinking or what they expected people to do, but this is unacceptable for everyone in Gaza,” says Walid, an aid worker in central Gaza who declined to use his full name. “I feel that Hamas gambled with our lives at stake, and lost.”

Rafaat Naim, a Gaza businessman and former member of the Palestine Chamber of Commerce, says prior to the war, support for Hamas among Gaza residents was already limited. “Hamas’ popularity in the Gaza Strip was waning, due to its governance failures [and] misallocation of funds,” he says
Meh, they supported Hamas until the ass-kicking started. 90%-ish of them did.

I think Mossad needs to get the leader in Qatar.
What do you base that on? The last election was in 2004. You made that up. Palestine has not been a prosperous country since 2004. Hamas was not holding elections. Can you guess why not?
Hmmm, I don't doubt it. A similar complaint is being raised by a growing number of Israeli's about Yahoo and the Likund.

As Mr. Spock once said, how can you expect "sense" from two wildly irrational beings.
Whose fault is all that?
Seems to me that's just whining. It's like saying your neighbor is responsible for watering your grass and mowing your lawn because you're too stupid and lazy to do it yourself.
Across the Gaza Strip – from markets to evacuee camps to social media channels – Palestinian frustration and anger with Hamas is on the rise.

Complaints began with Hamas’ apparent disregard for Gaza civilians who faced the brunt of Israel’s punishing military response to the Oct. 7 attack while Hamas fighters remained in tunnels.

Now, with starvation, profiteering, and internal chaos on the rise, the militant group that has ruled the strip for 17 years is nowhere to be found.

I wonder how many schools and hospitals they could have built if they weren't so invested in building a vast and sophisticated underground network of tunnels and purchasing Iranian weapons.
I wonder how many schools and hospitals they could have built if they weren't so invested in building a vast and sophisticated underground network of tunnels and purchasing Iranian weapons.
Like Right Wing America, the last thing Hamas wants is an educated citizenry.