Hammer-wielding intruders attack HK Epoch Times; Blinken warns of China’s actions aga


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Hammer-wielding intruders attack HK Epoch Times; Blinken warns of China’s actions against Taiwan


The Epoch Times’ printing house in Hong Kong was attacked last night. Intruders swung hammers to smash printers. The paper’s spokesperson suspects Chinese authorities are behind the attack. Tensions around Taiwan are on the rise. The U.S. Secretary of State warned Beijing that it would be a “serious mistake” to try to change the status quo by force. Beijing’s aggression in the disputed South China sea is also ramping up. Chinese navy vessels there reportedly chased a Filipino civilian ship loaded with members of a news crew. Chinese shopping giant Alibaba’s shares are on the rise. That’s after Chinese authorities fined it for limiting market competition. We look at why the company actually thanked the Chinese regime for the $3 billion penalty. And a protester in Burma is pleading for help in the middle of a bloody crackdown. He tells us about what he witnessed.