Hannity says that Trump could run for president from jail, if he wanted to

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
On Friday's episode of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show, the host claims that Trump being sent to jail would not necessarily be a road block of any kind in terms of him deciding to run for president in 2024.

Going over possible scenarios for what's to come, Hannity says "What do you think the next thing that happens here is, do you think that they would try and indict the former president in the hopes of convicting him and having him in jail at the time of the next election to prevent him from running . . . Because a conviction by the way, constitutionally, would not prevent him from running for office."

Given your record of being almost 100% wrong, which has to be on purpose, you are not at all embarrassed to show your face R U ?

I am sure you believe I am always wrong, and any facts to the contrary do not matter. But reality disagrees with you.
On Friday's episode of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show, the host claims that Trump being sent to jail would not necessarily be a road block of any kind in terms of him deciding to run for president in 2024.

Going over possible scenarios for what's to come, Hannity says "What do you think the next thing that happens here is, do you think that they would try and indict the former president in the hopes of convicting him and having him in jail at the time of the next election to prevent him from running . . . Because a conviction by the way, constitutionally, would not prevent him from running for office."


You know what? It's bullshit, but if it weren't, I'd love to see that :) Twump campaigning for himself in the Fed prison yard in an Orange jumpsuit. That would be good television.
Given your record of being almost 100% wrong, which has to be on purpose, you are not at all embarrassed to show your face R U ?

Um. You have zero self awareness. You are wrong 99% of the time and you add zero value to any discussion. Fix yourself before you start pointing your poop-stained finger at others, numb nuts.