Hannity to Dems: "Stay home on Election Day ... for the sake of the nation"


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On the October 18 edition of his nationally syndicated radio program, Fox News host Sean Hannity encouraged Democratic voters to "stay home on Election Day," adding that, "your vote doesn't matter anyway." He added that Democrats should not turn out to vote "for the sake of the nation".

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No Hannity is actually that dumb. He's trying to give the Republicans out there that are espcially dumb to have hope in the election.

Hannity is hoping that a Republican watching his program will think: "Gee since Sean told the democrats to stay home we've got a shot because they won't think it will help to vote, yay!"

Hannity knows his supporters well, that they are fucking retards.
No Hannity is actually that dumb. He's trying to give the Republicans out there that are espcially dumb to have hope in the election.

Hannity is hoping that a Republican watching his program will think: "Gee since Sean told the democrats to stay home we've got a shot because they won't think it will help to vote, yay!"

Hannity knows his supporters well, that they are fucking retards.

well they do watch him, that is one for them being stupid.