Happy Anniversary :D


on indefiniate mod break

I remember the night like it was yesterday. It was hot and humid. Fireflies were outside by window. I felt the electricity in the air, it was a magical night.

My heart was in my throat the entire time when they announced they had a verdict. I was very confident that my hero would be freed, but you never know how proles will think.

The yaya sisterhood all girl power jury, (with bonus minorities and who JPP women were thrilled to have before the verdict was rendered!) did their duty and saw definitively that you cannot rustle the zimmy hustle.

Liberals lied about zimmerman every step of the way. They literally deliberately edited his 911 phone calls. They showed a 12 year old picture of trayvon and showed racist images of george zimmerman. They say he chased trayvon down. Elements of the case that are now obvious (like trayvon being on top of zimmerman beating him up) were once denied adamantly by JPP. You all forget that and have retconned that, but I remember. I remember how people started getting quiet the day they had multiple witnesses describing zimmerman on the bottom getting pummeled. I remember arguing in the APP thread how... yes guys, the states witnesses basically siding with zimmermans story was not good for the prosecution. I remember the prosecution every day say "maybe this happened, maybe that happened"... all maybes out of their mouth, whereas the defense had a hammerlock on the case and were speaking in absolutes. They had the truth on their side.

Remember how mad everyone was when Don West got ICE CREAM? LMFAO. So god damn salty. I loved it. CAN'T TEST THE WEST!

And even after getting absolutely abused and wrecked, the dumbasses on this site couldn't help themselves one year later when they fell for the same bullshit again with the criminal and attempted murderer and attempted cop killer michael brown.

Trayvon the criminal assaulted someone that was breaking no laws. He paid for it with his life. If only his parents taught him better, if only he wasn't raised with violent tendencies. He should never have assaulted someone who had every right to be on a sidewalk. He shouldn't have resorted to violence. Now he is dead and banished to the eternal void. If any of you are religious, trayvon is surely in hell for his horrible actions.

Zimmerman however continues to live, free and healthy. He recently sold his gun for oodles of money. Hopefully it will be in a museum some day.

One of the most open and shut cases in history, JPP retards were on the wrong side of it, as usual. However, I, was correct, and I will never let you forget it.
You liberals are so greedy. Such as the nature of a taker. Maybe you could have got zimmerman to plead to something and receive probation (not like he would even deserve that)... but maybe you could have got something out of it. But no, you had to charge him with 2nd degree murder. LMAO. You guys eat yourselves alive.