Happy B-Day Care4all!

Working on garden and flowers and such outside yet Care ?

Oh yeah, alot outside and alot more to do, still dipping down in to the high 30's and lower 40's at night though....pretty cold uscit....but lovely, high 60's and scooting in to the low 70's during the day.

Spent a good deal of time the past few weeks getting my 7 apple trees pruned, which is time i had not planned on doing, ut was reading up on them and they really needed the pruning...alot of hauling off of dead branches and crap that blew in over the winter, and garbage left on the property from some family a hundred years ago that lived on this land....rusted tools that haven't been around for ages and bottles that are really old medicine bottles.... all kinds of crap peaking out of the grounds everywhere.

Anyway, my tulips came up!!!!!!!!!!!! i planted a bunch last fall, and only ONE group was not found by the squirrels and eaten! Gonna do, green beans, peppers, cantelope, tomatoes and potatoes, and parsley, rosemary, bibb lettuce and Romaine lettuce, spinach and carrots and cukes this year.....we will see.....if they survive or the summer is long enough to bring them in to fruition....

And of course got all kinds of apple trees, two yellow apple, a green apple, and one like a mckintosh and then the crab apple trees....

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