Happy Birthday Charver


Staff member
This deserves its own thread.

I envision you sitting around a table with dogs in decorative and pointy hats...

Merry celebration of your birth.
Happy birthday, Charver. I hope you enjoy celebrating the anniversary of being expelled from your mother's uterus.
Thanks very much all you fine, fine people.

Me and the lads had a cracking time.

Here they are on the mini bus to the restaurant. That's Dave there with his eyes closed...crazy guy. He ended up murdering a prostitute.
Thanks very much all you fine, fine people.

Me and the lads had a cracking time.

Here they are on the mini bus to the restaurant. That's Dave there with his eyes closed...crazy guy. He ended up murdering a prostitute.

LOL. Charver you're too much.
To Charver;

Have you taken your pill?
And updated your will?
Though we shouldn't be morbid,
You're over the hill.

Happy birthday motherfucker.

Historical Events to Celebrate on your birthday


1888 Stalin was born

1902 New York City Subway fire kills 37 people

1916 Marshall Haig orders assualt on the Somme offensive. 56,000 BEF Soldiers die.

1945 First atomic bomb is dropped on Hiroshima

1953 Jimbo Colbert becomes last African American lynched in Indiana.

1998 Carla Faye Tucker is executed in Texas after Governor Bush refuses to commute her sentence.

2007 Elmer J. Boyd, inventor of sterno, ironically dies from acute alcohol poisoning.

Hope this cheers you up dude. Happy b-day.
Thanks very much all you fine, fine people.

Me and the lads had a cracking time.

Here they are on the mini bus to the restaurant. That's Dave there with his eyes closed...crazy guy. He ended up murdering a prostitute.

Charver, why do you have to go around spreading rumors? I didn't 'murder' the prostitute, she just fell over dead after I gave her a mushroom stamp. They found out that the death was caused by the excessive amount of cocaine found in her system, so it was purely coincidence that she died 2 seconds after I whacked her in the forehead with my weiner. Besides, I'm not quite large enough to do that sort of damage. I think she just bought a ton of cocaine because she figured she could pay it off later with her WaMu stock.
Charver, why do you have to go around spreading rumors? I didn't 'murder' the prostitute, she just fell over dead after I gave her a mushroom stamp. They found out that the death was caused by the excessive amount of cocaine found in her system, so it was purely coincidence that she died 2 seconds after I whacked her in the forehead with my weiner. Besides, I'm not quite large enough to do that sort of damage. I think she just bought a ton of cocaine because she figured she could pay it off later with her WaMu stock.