Happy Birthday, Damo!

He kept that quiet didn't he?

A toast to Damo, the internets best known motorcycling ninja-Buddhist message-board owner.

I'm 38 today. That's not bad for a kid who wondered if 30 would ever be seen from the outside of a prison.
I'm 38 today. That's not bad for a kid who wondered if 30 would ever be seen from the outside of a prison.

Aren't you glad you called a halt to your youthful murder spree at victim #21, before your luck ran out and they invented CSI: Denver?
Aren't you glad you called a halt to your youthful murder spree at victim #21, before your luck ran out and they invented CSI: Denver?
True dat.

It was hard to quit all cold turkey like that, but I took up smoking to compensate. Of course I had to start oxycontin to quit the smoking but one thing at a time, eh?
I wonder what Superfreak got you? I'll bet he is out shopping right now. Matching boxers with hearts on them? What do you think?
Happy Birthday you punk kid!

38, damn it I thought you were older than that.

Dont fear the fourties they are awesome.

38 years ago today the powers that be looked down upon the earth and searched its surface for the perfect moderator. They scanned the world and settled on a sweet faced tiny baby who appeared to have many more obstacles than any small child could possibly overcome. The powers knew their choice would overcome them all and proclaimed "A great moderator is born this day".

Have a great one Damo, there is a special kind of joy in being the kind of person whos adult life kicks ass all over our childhoods.