Happy Birthday Desh...

Did you know that you share your birthday with our own Chancellor of the Exchequer and destroyer of worlds, Alistair Darlings, noted shoe architect Manolo Blahniks and French anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss who changed the world's perception of so-called "primitive" tribes in Asia, Africa and South America by selling them stonewashed hipster jeans?

Happy Birthday, Desh.
Hey thanks guys.

I didnt know I put the date down in the info.

Its wierd to have people calling your birthday black friday though.
Happy Birthday, Desh. You were born on the same day as my ex. :clink:

A Sag, eh? Well everything makes sense now, sooooooo much sense. :p
My apologies for missing this! Happy Birthday Desh!

And many more happy years.