Happy Birthday, Good Luck!


So I'm sitting here and my dog wants dinner even though its only 3:00 and so she wants dinner and she puts her head on my lap and well that's what she does when she wants something. Well, I'm just guessing its dinner she wants because she was just outside and we went for two walks already today and its getting close to dinner at least somewhat so that's my best guess. So anyway so she puts her head on my lap here and I'm on the computer so when she -- well no I'm not physically on top of the computer I'm using it, you know, like on it like I'm using it here. So I'm using the computer and my dog wants something and she puts her head on my lap but thats where my computer is since I'm on it and she like must have put her head on the down arrow key or something and it went all the way down to the bottom of the page where I don't ever go -- well, go as in I don't scroll down to the bottom of the page because there ain't nothing there I'm interested in, or so I guess since I don't go down there ever I really wouldn't know. But anyway way down there at the bottom of the page it has the birthdays of posters, well, not all posters I guess it just has the birthday of a poster if on that particular day it is that posters birthday so not like everyone is listed. But so anyway way down there at the bottom of the page it say that today is Good Luck's birthday. So Happy Birthday, Good Luck.

He's 63.