Happy Birthday, Socrtease...

Ooh just think, a couple of days earlier and you could have been Jesus.

Anyway, i'd better say happy birthday, now you've been hired by "The Man", in case you suddenly decide to wreak a terrible, terrible revenge on us ordinary people.
Happy Birthday!

I was a tad afraid being controversial and all, I mean the calls for impeachment, but decide, "What the heck!" Have a great day!
Thank you all very much! I have all my kids with me for the Christmas holiday, I am going to go smoke a cigar with some friends tonight and then come home and collapse. Usually I only have my 2 year old. My 10 year old and my 6 year old are here from Tucson and they LOVE to argue all the time. Amazing that little people can be so exhausting. Thanks again for the B'day wishes.