Happy 'Dia de La Raza' everyone! (October 12/Columbus Day)


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"The landing is celebrated as "Columbus Day" in the United States but the name varies on the international spectrum. In some Latin American countries, October 12 is known as "Día de la Raza" or (Day of the Race). This is the case for Mexico, which inspired Jose Vasconcelos's book celebrating the Day of the Iberoamerican Race. Some countries such as Spain refer the holiday as "Día de la Hispanidad" and "Fiesta Nacional de España" where it is also the religious festivity of la Virgen del Pilar. Peru celebrates since 2009 the "Day of the original peoples and intercultural dialogue". Belize and Uruguay celebrate it as Día de las Américas (Day of the Americas). Since Argentina's former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner officially adopted "Día del Respeto a la Diversidad Cultural" (Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity) November 3, 2010. "Giornata Nazionale di Cristoforo Colombo or Festa Nazionale di Cristoforo Colombo" is the formal name of Italy's celebration as well as in Little Italys around the world.[1][2]"
Which race is being celebrated? The pre-Columbian indigenous peoples (such as Incas, Mayans, Aztecs, Makah, Menominee, Cherokee, Inuit, etc.), or the mixed race people who actually hold power throughout Latin America?
Which race is being celebrated? The pre-Columbian indigenous peoples (such as Incas, Mayans, Aztecs, Makah, Menominee, Cherokee, Inuit, etc.), or the mixed race people who actually hold power throughout Latin America?

the Heinz 57 Americans.
Which race is being celebrated? The pre-Columbian indigenous peoples (such as Incas, Mayans, Aztecs, Makah, Menominee, Cherokee, Inuit, etc.), or the mixed race people who actually hold power throughout Latin America?

All Native Peoples of the Americas