Happy Easter


everybody. I have Monday off but not today, which is weird, but I was surprised to have either day off.

Enjoy. I plan on eating lots of chocolate on Sunday, and spending about two hours on Monday in the gym.
Same to you! :) I have to work right through. The good news is that the testing phase of the project will wind up next Friday and I'll have my first weekend off in six months. I plan to sleep in, for starters!
Happy Good Friday!
Did you know that it is most likely that Jesus was actually killed on Thursday, the day after passover there is a day of rest much like the Sabbath, and passover can fall on many different days of the week. It is in fact called a Sabbath (day of rest) and because of that it was mistakenly believed it must be on Friday. However, count the days. There isn't three....

I also find it weird that Lent is celebrated until "Good" Friday, when Christ entered Jerusalem the previous Sunday (Palm Sunday) after his 40 day fast in the wilderness. If Lent signifies that fast why end it on Good Friday instead of the Saturday before Palm Sunday?

Another interesting tidbit. Christ was killed after Passover meal, therefore Resurrection Day should fall after Passover. Why are you celebrating it now instead of the Sunday following Passover (April 20th is Passover this year)?
I have fun asking the religious folks questions about holidays. Often they are very arbitrary.

BTW - 3D I edited the post with a few more questions...

For the Eastern Orthodox, Easter is already over. Its only in the West, where Catholics don't count Sundays as part of Lent (it is a feast day here), that extra days get added on...

I'm not sure about your other question about Passover though...
For the Eastern Orthodox, Easter is already over. Its only in the West, where Catholics don't count Sundays as part of Lent (it is a feast day here), that extra days get added on...

I'm not sure about your other question about Passover though...
Actually the Eastern Orthodox people are the ones that pointed out the Passover thing to me. Their Easter falls on April 27th, the first Sunday following Passover which starts on the 20th and ends that Saturday.
ahh just another day to me. Don't even get off work. Drat!
But I have fun with the Grand Children and we eats lots of candy and get a big sugar buzz going.

Heck might even get the shotgun out and go shoot an easter bunny, That rites of spring pagan fertility symbol that Christians sucked into their holiday.

Going to be around freezing here on Easter morning. cold eggs.
Yeah, we didn't get off work either.

I also saw the Catholics cheating on their Fast for Good Friday...
I got a ham and I got a prime rib. My store gets these precooked prime ribs at holiday time and all you do is heat it for an hour , throw down on soime garlic mashed potatoes and a yummy salad and its as good as any resturaunt I have ever had it at.

The holidays do have perks even if you are a heathen lik me.
Happy Esoterica! The Spring rite of fertility.

I had surgery on Friday, so we are just playing it by ear this year.
Easter, the other ChristoPagan holiday.

Strange that both main Christian holidays have so much paganism in them.
Easter, the other ChristoPagan holiday.

Strange that both main Christian holidays have so much paganism in them.

Its because the gentile converts of Europe (the barbarians as well as the Romans) were pagans. Had the Jesuits been allowed to work their magic in China without other, less compitent orders running interference and ultimately getting them recalled by Rome, then we would also be seeing ancient Asian cultural influences on Christianity as well...