Happy Fourth!

Same here...

Happy 4th to one and all...even my Arch enemies...!
Today The local parade...bbq and fireworks after dark...sure glad I live in a small prosperous little town( The fireworks show is free to all...tourist and those living in Cali...local areas etc!) ...I have front row seats to the parade and fireworks(he-he I live in a desired area of town)...the kids are over...well they came and stayed as the youngest daughter left her hubby about six weeks ago...a little crowded at G/Pas...but hey kinda cool too...at least for a little while...the Daughter bought the bbq meat(T-bones) made the salad and desert...she even bought the beer...she bought Killians Irish Red...and Samuel Adams Boston Lager...a real treat for this old tight wad...lol
Met her new BF a really nice guy a IT tech...and alot more fun and interesting than her old weird hubby!...

Wishing you all a very Happy and fun filled day!:thup:
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Did you have a good time?

I had a great time yesterday. It was hard to get up for work this morning though.
I did, but my drinking was done on Tuesday so it was Wednesday that I had a hard time waking up...