Happy Halloween you bastards.


Worst gambler ever
I hope your night is filled with terror, horror and those little tarts that come in different colors in the clear crinkley wrap.
happy halloween mbl...we had a hundred kids, at least, our last halloween at this house....:(

matt dressed up as Frankenstein and scared the poop out of one little girl that ran crying and tripping away towards her parents that were on the street...he took off his mask and was yelling ''it is just a mask, don't be afraid"....lol, but she kept on crying....

the rest of the kids, got a kick out of him...
Poor kid. My little girls went up to one house where the guy was doing that and they just laughed and said, "I'm not afraid of anything!" ...

I don't know where they get it from...

all the other kids laughed and laughed at him, but this little girl was scared to death and matt felt so badly about it.... she was really fightened...

and this morning when matt was putting out the trash, the kids at the school bus, as they were laughing about it. said to matt, "are you the one who scared the girl with your frankenstein outfit?" So the whole Neighborhood must have heard about it... good time to move I guess....lol!

It was nice to see the eldest smiling and having some fun. She is doing that more and more lately. I think I'm more worried than necessary for her.
Bloody Halloween. It's a night of organised begging by children who think that putting a bin bag round their shoulders constitutes a costume.....
Yep a night dedicated to terrorism Anyold. Give me a treat or I will play a trick on you.
Darn mason jar terrorized me last night. I was doing great till someone pulled the jug out.....
LadyT, I did not follow my own advise....and am paying today.
We take Halloween pretty seriously here in New England! The houses are all decorated for it, with orange lights and pumpkins in the yards and witches hanging on tree limbs, while up in Maine last week, one house had a witch on a broomstick smashed in to the telephone pole on their property about 6 feet up...it was so funny....

with the Wiccans and the Salem Witch trials....halloween is up there with the "big" holidays...

I have really gotten a kick out of all the holidays they go all out and celebrate up here in the North East....Halloween, and thanksgiving Decorations with cornstalks and pumpkins and hay decorations outside with the colorful leaves... and Christmas, every house on the streets goes all out with lights...and reindeer and santa statues in their yard...

well, I have often thought, after moving here from florida, that they do this to amuse themselves and their children, during the long, dark, winter months.....to have something fun to look forward to and to amuse their children with......until the snow melts and the tulips rise!
Exactly. They should offer to do something for the money. Like wash all the outside windows. Then it would be worth the 50p.... lol
Last night must have cost me a tenner with all the neighbours kids coming round on the scrounge... I should have hired myself some kids to fleece them back. Its not dignified for someone in their thirties to go trick or treating without kids....

And people tend to consider it a little menacing... :)