Happy Mid Year!!!!


Yes, that's right. Today, July 1st, marks the exact mid point of the year, so once again...


Hope everybody had a safe Mid Year's Eve and didn't overdo the partying too much.

And of course, for those who did, I hope you took a cab home or rode with a designated driver!!!

Well, another half year is history. Here's to a new one and best of luck to all!!!!
For the first time since I bought my house I had to turn on the sprinklers just to save my purple front yard from croaking. I hate using those things.
It's been raining so much down here, if you want to keep your lawn neatly trimmed, you'd have to mow every four or five days. After a week, it's getting close to mid calf high and after ten days to two weeks, knee high.

Of course, the miserable mid-day heat and humidity makes it impossible to mow in the daytime while it's still dry, then by late afternoon/early evening when the sun is down a bit and there's some shade to work in, the daily thunderstorms roll through making it still impossible.

Just have to let it go until the occasional day that the rain misses your area and there's a nice, dry, breezy evening to get out and get it done.

Just more of the many reasons to despise summer.
Just more of the many reasons to despise summer.

Ugh, I hear you. Heat/humidity was one of the reasons we left STL area and moved up here. Summers are generally pretty pleasant here. Just ask the 254,209 tourists who flock here after Memorial Day. lol