Happy New Year

I hope all of you embrace truth and facts that will bring to you the peace of knowing how to move forward to the next step in your life on a solid foundation

if your foundation is weak due to flaws

when you make the next step into your future your footfall will set you in the wrong stride.

you will be out of step with the world

you will stuble

you will stagger

you will fall

I want you all to succeed no matter how much you hate me

that is love folks

your best friend is not the one who tells you lies to effect how well you can be used them

your BEST friend is the one who tells you the HARD truths

some of you already know Im on your side

some of you dont know it due to your level of invection

when you are too invected with lies the truth feels like poison

trust we will respect your recovery stage

but please start recovering

and start taking your antidote


fox news lies

alex jones lies

Rush limbaug lies

trump lies

begin accepting science



and the constitution
I hope all of you embrace truth and facts that will bring to you the peace of knowing how to move forward to the next step in your life on a solid foundation

if your foundation is weak due to flaws

when you make the next step into your future your footfall will set you in the wrong stride.

you will be out of step with the world

you will stuble

you will stagger

you will fall

I want you all to succeed no matter how much you hate me

that is love folks

your best friend is not the one who tells you lies to effect how well you can be used them

your BEST friend is the one who tells you the HARD truths

some of you already know Im on your side

some of you dont know it due to your level of invection

when you are too invected with lies the truth feels like poison

trust we will respect your recovery stage

but please start recovering

and start taking your antidote


fox news lies

alex jones lies

Rush limbaug lies

trump lies

begin accepting science



and the constitution

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