Happy non-deformed hetero-sexual normal penis day!

Part Multi 313

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Today is our day as normal hetero-sexual males with normal undeformed penises of regular size to say, "Hey, we get a day of recognition ourselves." We're not kinky, we don't have sexual dysfunctions or disorders and our penises aren't deformed. No micro-penises. No horsecock. Just right.
I would say that simply by clicking on the thread, myself, and anyone else who follows suit, is engaged in a self-defeating act.

Today is our day as normal hetero-sexual males with normal undeformed penises of regular size to say, "Hey, we get a day of recognition ourselves." We're not kinky, we don't have sexual dysfunctions or disorders and our penises aren't deformed. No micro-penises. No horsecock. Just right.
Thats pretty much everyday if you’re a white male.

Ok calm down you feminist emasculators. If we listened to you we’d still be living in grass huts.
Today is our day as normal hetero-sexual males with normal undeformed penises of regular size to say, "Hey, we get a day of recognition ourselves." We're not kinky, we don't have sexual dysfunctions or disorders and our penises aren't deformed. No micro-penises. No horsecock. Just right.

Congrats on coming out of the closet.
Today is our day as normal hetero-sexual males with normal undeformed penises of regular size to say, "Hey, we get a day of recognition ourselves." We're not kinky, we don't have sexual dysfunctions or disorders and our penises aren't deformed. No micro-penises. No horsecock. Just right.

*gives you the attention that you're craving*