Happy saint patricks day


texacan style

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygKgiIZNbLA&feature=related"]YouTube - "My Way" (Acoustic) - by Los Lonely Boys[/ame]
I stopped by the local Irish pub, O'Blarney's. It was great, there were pipers, drummers and green beers. Couldn't stay too long though, but it was still a lot of fun. :clink:

People were doing some funny shots, like Jameson's dropped into a cup 1/4 full of Red Bull!
actually, in light of recent events, I find myself HIGHLY offended by this whole saint patricks day thing.

I was lectured by a bush voter the other day, that a chicago church that describes themselves as "proudly african" is unacceptably divisive. And sectarian.

This whole "proud to be Irish" shit, is starting to really offend me. It's sectarian, its divisive, and its just plain wrong.
Yep kinda like proud to be a republican or democrat ? it is all that devisive stuff and such as well. Lets just try and vote for the candidate that is best for the country. Not the one that is best for the party.

And I really don't give a rats ass about St. Patties day. Just pretty much a booze industry holiday that does not even get me a paid day off of work.
actually, in light of recent events, I find myself HIGHLY offended by this whole saint patricks day thing.

I was lectured by a bush voter the other day, that a chicago church that describes themselves as "proudly african" is unacceptably divisive. And sectarian.

This whole "proud to be Irish" shit, is starting to really offend me. It's sectarian, its divisive, and its just plain wrong.
Sad. It seems that the candidate you try to protect with this inanity disagrees with you and says that the remarks that the pastor used would create a larger racial divide. It seems he agrees with me on that point. As well as the anti-american rhetoric based in the past with no forward progress even contemplated, let alone recognized.

And I will still bet that one speech will not erase 20 years of actions. This will continue to drag on his campaign.
This will continue to drag on his campaign.

And obama realizes this and said as much on his one on one intervies on PBS night before last.
He said he was sure he would have to address this issue a few more times before November if he was the Dem nominee.
The guy seems to have a good grasp on reality.
This will continue to drag on his campaign.

And obama realizes this and said as much on his one on one intervies on PBS night before last.
He said he was sure he would have to address this issue a few more times before November if he was the Dem nominee.
The guy seems to have a good grasp on reality.
He said it in his speech too. The people on this site don't listen to him, all I hear is "He sounds purty!". It's like purty sounds will fix this. And I don't think he will realize how much it will drag until it may be too late.
He said it in his speech too. The people on this site don't listen to him, all I hear is "He sounds purty!". It's like purty sounds will fix this. And I don't think he will realize how much it will drag until it may be too late.

LOL, yeah drag on like a pissant trying to hold an elepahnt back. Get real Damo.
He will adress it again and again, and only the right wingnuts and rascists will still be harping on it.
Pretty much like now I suppose.
And they will keep whining up till Nov and beyond.

You do realize the advantage of wingnuts don't you damo ? They are ohh so easy to spin.
Sad. It seems that the candidate you try to protect with this inanity disagrees with you and says that the remarks that the pastor used would create a larger racial divide. It seems he agrees with me on that point. As well as the anti-american rhetoric based in the past with no forward progress even contemplated, let alone recognized.

And I will still bet that one speech will not erase 20 years of actions. This will continue to drag on his campaign.

I'm speaking for myself, not for obama.

You were the one who expressed shock that the church described themselves as proudly "african".

I'm no more offended by that, than I am by Irish americans in a saint patty's parade proclaiming themselves proudly irish.
I think you too don't realize how much this will continue to hurt him. Not with his party, but with some of those valuable independents that he and McCain seem to be battling over.
I'm speaking for myself, not for obama.

You were the one who expressed shock that the church described themselves as proudly "african".

I'm no more offended by that, than I am by Irish americans in a saint patty's parade proclaiming themselves proudly irish.
I expressed no shock, this is a misrepresentation of my post.

I simply used their about us statement, put in equal words from a different "experience" and let you read them.

I love how desperate you must be to attempt to misrepresent me so badly. It shows that you too realize that I am right, that this will hurt him far more than he thinks.

If I use your logic, it means you are scared to look in the mirror, white men are frightening to you because you thought that the statement sounded bad when it was about them.
I think you too don't realize how much this will continue to hurt him. Not with his party, but with some of those valuable independents that he and McCain seem to be battling over.

The "independents" are already decided. The ones that are embaressed Republicans will vote McCain and most of the true independents will vote for Obama if they get the chance that is.
And of course some rascist Dems will vote for McCain and some thinking Republicans will vote for Obama.
I think you too don't realize how much this will continue to hurt him. Not with his party, but with some of those valuable independents that he and McCain seem to be battling over.

I know the political implications. I've already acknowledged that days ago.

I'm addressing what I believe about the fundamentals about the actual events. For reasons I don't need to go into for the tenth time.
This deal with Obama's pastor is merely an excuse for those wishing to justify not voting for him.

They would not have voted for Obama anyway, so nothing lost.