Happy September 11th Everybody


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8 years later, and more Americans have died because of our reaction than because of the attacks themselves.
Granted, they were 4 when it happened, but a few 8th grade students in sixth period today where I am student teaching did not know what 9/11 was. LOL
My daughter was 8 months old, she knows that 9/11 is. I find that incredible that some people don't talk about things with their kids.
good grief...happy Sept.11...:rolleyes:
Hey! Some great things have happened on Sept 11.

My sister was born.
Tom Landry was born.
O'Henry was born.
Bear Bryant was born.
Leo Kotke was born.
Kristie McNichol was born.

The battle of Brandywine occurred on September 11. The Americans lost the battle but won a strategic victory and it was the turning point of the Revolutionary war. It was also the first time the American flag was used in a battle.
The last battle of the Revolutionary war, The Battle of Fort Henry, aslo began on September 11.
Ironically construction on the Pentagon began on September 11.
Boulder dam was dedicated on this date.
The first Miss American contest was broadcast on TV on this date.
Frank Robinson won rookie of the year on this date.
Pete Rose breaks Ty Cobbs record on this date.