Happy Thanksgiving To My Friends Here On Just Plain Politics!

I hope yours was a good one, as I do for everyone here.

Ours was for six from three different households. Included as a friend of the wife's from her church (she's Mormon I'm Buddhist). This lady had recently been laid off (again) as part of the latest round of COVID nonsense (her ethnicity is redacted as that is irrelevant). We were happy to have her and share our meal with her. No masks. No social distancing. So in your face all you government fucks yammering about that!

Ours was turkey (but of course!), mashed potatoes made with sour cream, yams in brown sugar and marshmallows (the wife insisted on the later), brussels sprouts in a butter, thyme, and lemon sauce, turkey gravy, stuffing with chopped veggies in it, hot rolls, cranberry sauce (de rigueur), and a selection of beverages. Pie or baklava for dessert.

I hope your meal and time together was just as meaningful.
I hope yours was a good one, as I do for everyone here.

Ours was for six from three different households. Included as a friend of the wife's from her church (she's Mormon I'm Buddhist). This lady had recently been laid off (again) as part of the latest round of COVID nonsense (her ethnicity is redacted as that is irrelevant). We were happy to have her and share our meal with her. No masks. No social distancing. So in your face all you government fucks yammering about that!

Ours was turkey (but of course!), mashed potatoes made with sour cream, yams in brown sugar and marshmallows (the wife insisted on the later), brussels sprouts in a butter, thyme, and lemon sauce, turkey gravy, stuffing with chopped veggies in it, hot rolls, cranberry sauce (de rigueur), and a selection of beverages. Pie or baklava for dessert.

I hope your meal and time together was just as meaningful.

Sounds good. I had Polish sausages, crackers, potato chips, and Diet-Rite Cola for Thanksgiving dinner.

Package of Polish sausages says "fully cooked," but I cook 'em anyway, in the microwave. My goal is to get as much grease as possible out without making them dry and hard.

No one to share dinner with. But I had a novel (Heechee Rendezvous by Frederick Pohl) and easy listening music on the radio.