Happy Thanksgiving


Staff member
I am up cooking the celery, pears, apples, cranberry, butter and fennel for the stuffing.

The turkey is in a garlic brine and smells heavenly, already!

I am alone, waiting for the hubby to fly from the job.

Getting ready to watch the Macy's parade and football!

By the way trivia questions

Which President made Thanksgiving a national holiday, and which tried to change it?

Which two professional football teams always play each other on Thanksgiving?

What is the number one sweet potato producing state? and which is #1 for turkeys and which state is #1 for cranberries?

My best to all your families, on this day we indulge and enjoy our bounty!
I am up cooking the celery, pears, apples, cranberry, butter and fennel for the stuffing.

The turkey is in a garlic brine and smells heavenly, already!

I am alone, waiting for the hubby to fly from the job.

Getting ready to watch the Macy's parade and football!

By the way trivia questions

Which President made Thanksgiving a national holiday, and which tried to change it?

Which two professional football teams always play each other on Thanksgiving?

What is the number one sweet potato producing state? and which is #1 for turkeys and which state is #1 for cranberries?

My best to all your families, on this day we indulge and enjoy our bounty!

Happy Thanksgiving.



Texas? Hahaha
To be technical, the Detroit Lions were the FIRST team to always play(and always lose) on Thanksgiving, a tradition we shall carry on today.
To be technical, the Detroit Lions were the FIRST team to always play(and always lose) on Thanksgiving, a tradition we shall carry on today.

I was amazed when I turned on the tele at the start of the second half and the Lions were up 17-10. Then it all fell apart.

Kudos on the attempted brawl, though...