Hardly Any Snow... Close EVERYTHING...


Staff member

A woman gets murdered in the parking lot, business as usual. Some snow sticks to the grass, no ice on the road, and they are giving us consideration for leaving early...

This company is retarded.

A woman gets murder in the parking lot, business as usual. Some snow sticks to the grass, no ice on the road, and they are giving us consideration for leaving early...

This company is retarded.
What happened with the murder? Did they catch the culprit? Do you know more about what happened?
All they have to do is predict snow here and everyone runs to the supermarkets and buys up all the milk and bread.

A woman gets murdered in the parking lot, business as usual. Some snow sticks to the grass, no ice on the road, and they are giving us consideration for leaving early...

This company is retarded.

Wow, in Colorado?

Here in the Pacific Northwest, snow brings out the TOTAL PUSSIES (as Beefy and Ib1 can probably attest to) in us, but I would think that the great mountain state would eat snow days for breakfast, or something...