Harold Ford posed to take Tennessee for the DEMOCRATS!

Good news! dixie will never fess up or pay up, just dissappear if it gets too bad for his religion err... party.
Dixie is a pretty amazing specimen of humanity though. All the abuse he gets (although well deserved), the lack of respect(again well deserved), keeps getting proven wrong. And yet he pulgs right along on the same unchanging course.....
Dixie is a pretty amazing specimen of humanity though. All the abuse he gets (although well deserved), the lack of respect(again well deserved), keeps getting proven wrong. And yet he pulgs right along on the same unchanging course.....

His ability to drudge along when proven wrong at every turn is amazing!
Yep he is persistent. and oh so predictable. One can almost write Dixies responses for him. Well except the ode to GWB, that was a total suprise ;)
Dixie is a pretty amazing specimen of humanity though. All the abuse he gets (although well deserved), the lack of respect(again well deserved), keeps getting proven wrong. And yet he pulgs right along on the same unchanging course.....

just like Bush
I am tell ya there is a common pshyche profile with Bush and the remaing 30% or so of the Bush supporters.