Harrass Pilton


Aint I a cutie? HEH HEH
(I thought I would change the name to give you something to harp at me about. However:

Tho I am really tired of hearing about Paris Hilton. she dd say something to Larry King that was notforthy.

She said (paraphrased) that she was doing the "responsible"thing by serving her time.

1. Did she have a choice? if not, how was that responsible of her?

2. Wouldn't she think it would have been MORE respnsible NOT to have committed the offense????
I'll bet you got shitloads of pussy in your younger years.
I was better looking in my younger years but I was rather straightlaced, and not very highly sexed. tho I have four children. ---- ALL MINE HEH HEH (I also have big feet.)