Harris Poll: Most new favor letting illegal immigrants stay – If


They pay back taxes...


Most U.S. adults favor a program allowing illegal immigrants to stay in this country if the immigrants have a job and pay their back taxes, but would not allow them to stay if they do not pay their back taxes, according to a new Harris Poll released Tuesday.

Over half (57 percent) of adults said they favored creating a program that would allow illegal immigrants already living in the United States for a number of years to stay in the country and apply for U.S. citizenship – if they pay their back taxes.
LOL, yeah, that's a great idea. Considering people have gone to jail for not paying taxes. Lets let illegal immigrants pay a small fine. That would be fabulous.
this shit almost makes me want to go back to being a republican starting a construction company and taking advantage of the slave labor.
I can't believe dems are not against this with all the whinning about falling wages for the working stiff.:readit: :shock:
I think a lot of voting democrats are pissed about it. Particularly lower wage earners.
Listening to CSPAN on the issue, there are very few that support it. Except the bill's drafters and some illegals.
yes the Tax amnesty angle. Perhaps I should look into becoming an illegal immigrant ?

Why would you do that?

You wouldn't be able to vote for several years, you'd costly be hounded by the INS, and it would make it very difficult to get any job. Also, at the end of it, if amnesty is provided, you'd have to pay all of your back taxes. You may have even had taxes taken out of your paycheck that you'll never recover, and you still have to pay. Also, you wouldn't be able to secure any social security or medicaid credits for the years you were illegal, although you would've been paying into the system.

In other words, stop being fascicious.
LOL, yeah, that's a great idea. Considering people have gone to jail for not paying taxes. Lets let illegal immigrants pay a small fine. That would be fabulous.

What are you talking about, LadyT?

75% of Americans oppose letting illegal immigrants stay "for a small fine". Stop being a fucking idiot.
Why would you do that?

You wouldn't be able to vote for several years, you'd costly be hounded by the INS, and it would make it very difficult to get any job. Also, at the end of it, if amnesty is provided, you'd have to pay all of your back taxes. You may have even had taxes taken out of your paycheck that you'll never recover, and you still have to pay. Also, you wouldn't be able to secure any social security or medicaid credits for the years you were illegal, although you would've been paying into the system.

In other words, stop being fascicious.

Umm as of next monday I do not have or need a job anyway :)
I think a lot of voting democrats are pissed about it. Particularly lower wage earners.
Listening to CSPAN on the issue, there are very few that support it. Except the bill's drafters and some illegals.

A left-leaning writer in the L.A. Times today wrote his column stating that allowing illegals in the U.S. to become citizens is a progressive issue. He didn't state whether progressives believe that because it is compassionate or they believe it is good politics and these people will vote Democrat or anything else. But he thought the Democrats should pass this legislation.